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Self-assessment: Excellent 好 Good 较好 So so 一般 Bad 较差 1.在宾语从句中运用特殊疑问连词 2.掌握在以特殊词连接的宾语从句中的正确语序及人称、时态等的变化。 3. 能用宾语从句自如转述第三者所说的问话 6.课堂参与度 7. 学会与人合作 Homework: Textbook P39 WB 34~36 Write your oral report and poem on the Ex. Book Listen to the tape (Unit 3) 谢 谢! 放映结束 感谢各位批评指导! 让我们共同进步 (1)学会在宾语从句中运用特殊疑问连词 (2)掌握在以特殊疑问词连接的宾语从句中的正确语 序及人称、时态等的变化。 I don’t realize what you’re eating. (3)能用宾语从句自如转述第三者所说的问话. 语言知识目标: (1) 能够通过观察分析句子,进行归纳推理。 (2) 能够在真实的情景下使用语法转述, 进行口语表达。 能力发展目标: 通过学习该语法,懂得大胆与人沟通, 学会与人合作,并乐于助人。 情感目标: he is handsome. I am handsome. He says that he was handsome. He said that I want to be an artist. she wants to be an artist. She says that she wanted to be an artist. She said that If she listened to the tape every day Tony asked Gloria Do you listen to the tape every day? Yes, I do. If she listens to the tape every day Tony asks Gloria Sure I will. Will you join us to have a picnic? If he will join them to have a picnic. Sherlock asks Jack If he would join them to have a picnic. Sherlock asked Jack 直接引语 间接引语(宾语从句) he is handsome. He says that she wanted to be an artist. She said that if he would join them to have a picnic Sherlock asked Jack 1. 引导词? 3. 人称代词? 4. 时态呼应? 2. 语序? If she listened to the tape every day Tony asked Gloria 引导词 语序 人称 时态呼应 That (陈述句) 陈 述 句 情景 代入 转换 1)主句一般现在时,从句用任何时态。 2)主句一般过去式,从句用相应的过去某种时态。 3)从句是客观事实、真理,则用一般现在时。 2. If/whether (一般疑问句) 宾语从句的种类: 人称 一 二 三单 一 二 三 主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them 形物 my your his her its our your their 名物 Mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 复数 单数 主句 从句 一般现在时 用任何时态 一般过去时 am/is/are do/does am/is/are doing will do have/has done 无论何时态 客观事实、真理用一般现在时 用相应的过去某种时态 was/were did was/were doing would do had done 宾语从句主从句时态呼应: 1. Roddy says , “I really want to be a director.” Roddy says really to be a director. 2. Roddy says , “ We didn’t get wet . Roddy says didn’t


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