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国有企业进一步深化改革思路及对策研究 摘 要 伴随经济改革的进程,国有企业改革至今已近30年的历程,然而,长期的计划经济形成的一些观念和体制惯性仍然束缚着国有企业的进一步发展。目前我国国有企业进一步改革面对的主要问题:国有企业亏损累计额大、资产负债比率高、企业资金短缺、产品科技含量低、发展后劲不足等等。同时,大多数企业产品单一,多以一般原材料粗加工为主,附加值低,科技含量低,缺乏市场竞争能力。 国有企业改革是中国经济发展的重要任务,国企改革要实现新的突破,必须正确认识制约其向纵深发展的政府体制与产权问题、经济利益问题和社会问题。这些问题,直接关系到国有企业改革的目标和归宿,甚至影响到整个经济体制改革的走向,已经成为影响国有企业改革的重要因素。 关键词:国有企业 深化改革 对策 建议 The way to further deepen the reform of state enterprises Abstract With the process of economic reform, the reform of state-owned enterprises has been the history of nearly 30 years, however, some concepts and institutional inertia of the long-term planned economy still hamper the further development of state owned enterprises. The main problem of the current reform of state-owned enterprises are facing the loss of the state-owned enterprises: the cumulative amount, asset liability ratio is high, enterprise shortage of funds, product technology content is low, lack of development potential. At the same time, the majority of enterprises in the single product, rough machining general raw materials, low value added, low technology content, lack of market competition ability. The reform of state-owned enterprises is an important task for China's economic development, to achieve new breakthroughs in the reform of state-owned enterprises, we must have a correct understanding of the government system and the property to the depth development issues, economic benefits and social problems. These problems, directly related to the goal of state-owned enterprise reform and the home to return to, and even affect the direction of the whole economic system reform, has become an important factor affecting the reform of state-owned enterprises. KEY WORDS: China state owned enterprises further reform propose strategy 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 前 言 1 第1章 绪论 3 第2章 当前我国国有企业改革面临的突出问题 5 2.1 理顺政府与国有企业的关系 5 2.1.1 明确国有企业产权归属 6 2.1.2 产权改革与产权明晰的关系 6 2.1.3 政企并未真正分开 7 2.2 国有企业下岗分流、减员增效困难重重 7 2.2.1 观念束缚 7 2.2.2 机制缺陷


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