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养老服务机构民营化研究——以北京市为例 摘 要 从传统观念看,养老服务应该由家庭来提供。但是,家庭在提供养老照顾 服务过程中的弊端日渐显露,养老服务机构是解决这一问题的途径之一。养老 服务机构民营化是政府提出的发展趋势之一。 20世纪 90年代以来,中国开始了养老服务机构民营化的过程。一方面,国 办、集体办的养老服务机构开始对自费老人开放;另一方面,社会力量兴办的 养老服务机构从无到有,迅速增多。民办养老服务机构的发展为老年人提供了 更多机构养老的机会,促进了老龄社会福利的完善。但是,民办养老服务机构 并没有人们预期中的低风险和高效率。不少民办养老福利机构经营困难。研究 民办养老服务机构在现阶段的特征,分析其困境产生的原因,提出相应的对策, 是具有重要现实意义的问题。 本文首先对养老服务机构民营化的相关理论进行了回顾,总结了前人的研 究成果和不足,说明了养老服务机构民营化是世界发展的重要趋势;其次,在 社会福利社会化的背景下梳理了我国养老服务机构民营化改革的历史;第三, 分析中国养老服务机构的现状和问题;第四,对养老服务机构的问题原因做了 分析;昀后,提出了社会福利社会化背景下民办养老服务机构发展所需的对策。 研究表明,目前养老服务机构发展的瓶颈在于制度供给滞后、历史文化传 统影响以及资源分配不均,政府应该加大对民办养老服务机构的扶持和自助力 度,使民办养老福利机构成为老年福利的有机组成部分。 关键词:养老服务机构;民营化;社会福利社会化1Abstract Based on the traditional views, the care for elderly is to be supplied by family; however, as the drawbacks of the phenomenon above, the institutions for elderly gradually appears. Privatization of institutions for elderly has been a trend raised by the governmentChina has carried out the privatization of institutions for elderly since 1990s. On one hand, state- owned institutions and collective-owned institutions have been opened to the public. On the other hand, private- owned institutions founded and developed rapidly. But the private ones are not so low risk and high efficiency as expected. Many of them are in debt. It is meaningful to analyze the problems of management in private- owned institutions for elderly and make some suggestionsThis paper deals with the problems facing the privatization of the elderly institutions. There are five main parts in this paper. Firstly, review the existing studies on social welfare socialization and privatization both in China and abroadSecondly, discuss the history and the progress of the privatization of institutions for the elderly. Thirdly, select some institutions in Beijing as cases study to analyze the difficulties in front of them. Forth, make some suggestions based on the analysis above. Finally, make some suggestions for the sustainable developmen


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