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莫言 中英文双语简介 中国当代著名作家莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖,这是首次有中国人获得这一奖项。 Mo Yan, is a famous contemporary Chinese writer. In 2012, He became the countrys first Nobel Literature Prize laureate。 莫言 中英文双语简介 His works were strongly influenced by magical realism and told the tales of numerous legends which took place in Gaomi, Shandong Province. Mo is renowned for his unique perceptions of reality, imaginative descriptions, de-familiarization processing, mysticism and a pioneering style。 莫言 中英文双语简介 莫言原名管谟业,笔名“莫言”,意为“不要说话”。 Born Guan Moye, the author writes under the pen name Mo Yan, which means dont speak in Chinese。 莫言是香港公开大学荣誉文学博士,青岛科技大学(微博)客座教授。他自1980年代中期以一系列乡土作品崛起,被归类为“寻根文学”作家。莫言的作品深受魔幻现实主义影响,写的是发生在山东高密东北乡的传奇。莫言在他的小说中构造了独特的主观感觉世界、天马行空般的叙述、陌生化的处理,塑造出神秘的对象世界,带有明显的“先锋”色彩。 Mo Yan was granted an honorary PhD of Arts by OUHK (Open University of Hong Kong) and was appointed guest professor at the Qingdao University of Technology. Relying on a series of country literary works, Mos claim to fame came in the 1980s when he established a reputation for being a so-called root-seeking writer. 莫言 中英文双语简介 1981年,莫言开始创作生涯,发表了《枯河》、《秋水》、《民间音乐》等早期作品。 In 1981, he started his writing career and published several early works such as Dry River, Autumn Stream and Folk Music. 1986年,莫言毕业于解放军艺术学院文学系。 In 1986, he graduated from the department of literature at the PLA Academy of Arts。 1991年,莫言毕业于北京师范大学(微博)鲁迅文学院创作研究生班,并获文艺学硕士学位。 In 1991, he was granted a masters degree in literature and art from the Lu Xun Literature Institute at Beijing Normal University。 莫言 中英文双语简介 人物年表 Biography 莫言1955年2月17日生于山东高密,童年时在家乡小学读书,后因文革辍学,在农村劳动多年。 Mo Yan was born on February 17, 1955 in Gaomi, Shandong Province. He attended primary school in his hometown and actually was forced to drop out because of China‘s Cultural Revolution. He was sent to the countryside where he had to perform manual labor for many years。 1976年,莫言加入中国人民解放军,历任班长、图书管理员、教员、干事等职。 In 1976, Mo joined the PLA (Chinas Peoples Liberation Army) and held the posts of monitor, l


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