
刘乃银主编《英语泛读教程》(1)Unit 1.ppt

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4.4 Questions for group discussion (If we have time) Why did Pete close his hand over the price mark on the necklace? Why was the present so wonderful? What do you guess happens later? Are you interested in writing a follow-up (续篇) to the story? * THE END THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! * for example for example 1.5.1 回答问题 5. What revelations do you have about this story? * 1.5.2 概括课文大意 用自己的3~5句话,概括课文大意 * 1.6 朗读环节 朗读段落:ll. 35-41 要求: 声音响亮 发音地道 连贯流利 声情适切 * 1.7 笔头练习和课堂讨论 pp. 4-6 A. d B. 1-5 c d d a d 6-9 c a c d C. 1-5 d b d d a 7-10 d c b d d D. Discussing topics (p. 6) * 1.8 修辞赏析 本文是典型的现代英语作品的范例。 用词简单。多数用词是简短的、简单的盎格鲁萨克逊词语。2~5个字母构成。 句子简短,句子结构简单易懂。多数句子不超过15个词,多数句子是简单句。 这种简易文风的美是力透纸背的。这是现代英语的趋势。 * 1.8 修辞赏析 实验:定睛看着本文的某一页几秒钟,再看北京周报某一页或笛福、斯威夫特或狄更斯的某一页 * 1.8 修辞赏析 你喜欢这种文体风格吗? * 1.9 答疑环节 Any (good) questions? * 2. Reading skills Previewing (预读;预览) What’s previewing? What steps should a reader normally follow? A relevant question: Does this section remind you of online book-buying? Do all books for online sale have a “look inside!” link? If not, how would you preview it? Does it cause an annoyance to you when you are choosing a right book? * 2. Previewing It reminds me of an article written by Wang Dongjie (王东杰)from Sichuan University, published in the Southern Weekly (南方周末)newspaper. * 该文第4段 当然,这问题绝非“习惯”这么简单。在实体书店买书,总可以先翻一翻。一本书的内容、表述,有无插图、索引、文献目录,甚至一些纯物质性因素,如字体、版 式、纸张,皆可摸得到,看得着,令人踏实,而且常常成为买书时的决定因素。在网上就不然。电子服务再便宜和快捷,书的物质形式给人的微妙感受,也是难以取 代的。 * 王东杰,1971年生,河南濮阳人。1993年四川大学历史学士,1996年复旦大学历史学硕士,2002年四川大学历史学博士。1996年起在四川大学历史文化学院任教。现为四川大学历史文化学院教授,博士生导师,近现代史教研室主任。 * 3. Testing your reading comprehension and speed (fast reading) 3.1 Passage 1 3.1.1 Summary Many animal experts believe that animals are capable of feelings, including love and hate. Animals such as dogs and cats particularly form strong attachments to human beings. Human beings in return seek solace in them. Therefore, animals should be treated well. * 3.1.2 Possible difficult words, phrases an



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