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PAGE PAGE 2 毕 业 论 文 作 者:  李洪玉 学 号: 0445203 院 系: 自动化工程学院 专 业: 测控技术与仪器 题 目: 核辐射检测技术综述 指导者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2006 年 6 月 吉 林 摘要 随着科学的发展,很多新的能源逐渐发展起来,其中核能就是很重要的一种,随着核能应用范围的扩大,核辐射防护是很必要的。前提是要测出核辐射的存在,因此就有了核辐射探测器的产生。近几年来,核辐射探测器的发展很迅速,其中气体电离探测器、闪烁探测器和半导体探测器这三种探测器是最基础,应用最广泛,也是人们研究的最多的。在核辐射探测器领域内,尤其使用半导体材料的探测器,已经有了许多重大的发展。本文的目的是:介绍气体电离探测器、闪烁探测器和半导体探测器的工作原理以及发展的概况。在实际生活中,核辐射往往给人们带来危害,因此检测出核辐射以及正确的了解和防护核辐射对我们来说是很重要的。本文主要介绍几类常用的核辐射探测器的工作原理、性能和应用,还有核辐射的一些基础知识,让大家更加了解核辐射,并能更好的防护核辐射带来的危害。 关键词:核辐射;检测;探测器 Title The summary of nuclear radiation detection technology Abstract Along with the science development, very many new energy develop gradually, in which nuclear power is the very important one kind, along with the nuclear power application scope expansion, the nuclear radiation protection is very essential.The premise is must determine the nuclear radiation the existence, therefore had the nuclear radiation dector production.In the last few years, the nuclear radiation dector development is very rapid, in which electrification detector, the twinkle detector and semiconductor detector these three kind of detectors are the most foundation, the application are most widespread, also is the people studies many.In the nuclear radiation dector domain, especially uses the semiconducting material of the detector, already had many significant development.This article goal is: Introduces the electrification detector, the twinkle detector and the semiconductor detector principle of work as well as the development survey.In the practical life, the nuclear radiation often brings the harm to the people, therefore examines the nuclear radiation as well as the correct understanding and the protection nuclear radiation to us is very im


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