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5.A gift is the key to open the door closed against you. Literal translation: 礼物是打开把你关在门外的房门的钥匙。 Free translation: 大门把你关在外,礼物送到门自开。 3.2 Domestication(归化)vs. Foreignization (异化) 是由美国著名翻译家劳伦斯·韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)提出的。 美国费城坦普尔大学的英文教 授,是美国翻译研究领域内研 究“归化”与“异化”问题上发言 最多最响亮的人物。他属于翻 译研究中的解构学派,即“后 结构主义学派”,他主张文学 翻译不应消除异族特征为目标 ,而应在目标文本中设法把文 化差异表现出来。要突出译者的主体创造性。 “归化”和“异化”的提出基于德国哲学家施莱尔马赫(Schleiermarcher)的理论。施莱尔马赫认为,翻译有两种:一种是 “the translator leaves the author in peace as much as possible, and moves the reader toward him”,另一种是:“the translator leaves the reader in peace as much as possible, and moves the author toward him”. 施莱尔马赫指出:“有两种翻译方法:译者要么尽可能不去打扰作者,而让读者向作者靠拢(异化);要么尽可能不去打扰读者,而让作者向读者靠拢”(归化)。 韦努蒂认为,在欧美文化中,特别是在英国,异化翻译策略仍处于边缘地位,地位低下,无足轻重。 作者提出译者应该采取抵抗的翻译策略,这样既有助于保留源文的异国情调,也挑战了翻译作品在翻译文学作品中的二流地位,并藉此可以改变译者的隐身状态,提高译者的身份,使其最终能与源文作者享有同等的权威。 Foreignization is a strategy in which a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original. Foreignization: means taking the reader over to the foreign culture, making him or her see the cultural and linguistic difference. Foreignization (also called alienation,异化), aims to retain some foreign or exotic flavor of the original. Domestication is a strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers. Domestication means bringing the foreign culture closer to the reader in the target culture, making the text recognizable and familiar. A translation version should minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for readers of the translation. The translation version of Gone with the Wind by Fu Donghua can be thought to have followed the principle of Domestication. For example, the names of the characters are translated with Chinese characteristics: Scarlett O’Hara 郝斯嘉 Rhett Butler 白瑞德 Melanie Hampton 韩梅兰 Ashley Wilkes


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