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PAGE PAGE 17 大專院校排球選手參與動機對團隊凝聚力影響之研究─以九十八學年度男子組公開三級選手為例 陳永祥 林坤和* *通訊地址:台南縣仁德鄉文華一街89號 蘭陽技術學院 體育室 中華醫事科技大學 體育室* 摘 要 本研究目的如后:一、瞭解大專院校排球選手參與動機及團隊凝聚力之現況。二、建構大專院校排球選手參與動機對團隊凝聚力之影響模式。以參加九十八學年度大專院校排球聯賽男子組公開三級A組及B組選手為研究對象,研究工具為經修訂的排球運動員參與動機及團隊凝聚力問卷,採隨機取樣施測模式,總計施測20場次,共計發出260份問卷,回收後有效問卷為共計217份,回收有效率為83.5%。經以描述統計及結構方程式驗證假設模式後,所得結論如下。 (一)九十八學年度大專院校排球聯賽男子組公開三級A組及B組選手整體參與動機屬於中高強度表現;整體團隊凝聚力為中等程度。 (二)本研究假設之參與動機對團隊凝聚力影響模式是成立的,意即九十八學年度大專院校排球聯賽男子組公開三級A組及B組選手的參與動機對團隊凝聚力有正面之直接影響力存在,在整體影響模式中,參與動機對團隊凝聚力解釋力為51.84%。 關鍵詞:排球、參與動機、團隊凝聚力 Study on How the Participation Motivation of the College Volleyball Players Impacts on the Team Cohension ─ Sampling the Players in Mens Division Level 3 of Volleyball League in Session 2009 Chen,Yung-Hsiang Lin,Kun-He* Office of Physical Education, Lan Yang Institute of Technology Office of Physical Education, Chung Hwa Abstract The study is aimed to understand the current situation of the participation motivation and the team cohension of the college volleyball players and to establish the impact model between them. The study takes the Group A and B players in Mens Division level 3 of Volleyball League in 2009 as the subjects. And the study tool is the modified questionnaires on Participation Motivation and Team Cohension of Volleyball Players. Through random Sampling model, a total of 20 games were involved in the whole process, and 260 questionnaires were distributed and 217 were valid, with an valid response rate of 83.5%. The conclusions were given after verifying the hypothetic model by means of Descriptive Statistics and Structural Equation Modeling, which include: (I).A higher level of overall participation motivation is witnessed among Group A and B players in Mens Division level 3 of Volleyball League in 2009, while the level of the team cohesion is medium. (II).The hypothetic impact model between the participation motivation and the team cohesion is tenable, which indicates the participation motivation of Group A and B players in Mens


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