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The real issue is change 真正的问题源于变革 Minor change 细微变革 Feels easy 感觉容易 Retains gov’t control 保留政府控制 Low prices for assets 资产价格较低 Major Change 重大变革 Difficult 艰难 Loses gov’t control 失去政府控制 High prices 代价较高 How far, and how fast? 跨度?速度? Lesson learned in the US 来自美国的经验 Three conditions for effective markets: 有效的市场所需具备的三个条件: information on companies and markets freely available 公司和市场自由运作方面的信息 liquidity - ability to buy and sell easily 流通性 - 能够比较容易地进行购买和出售 one set of rules for all 一套通用的规则 treat everyone the same 一视同仁 minimize discretion 最大限度地减少区别 The Talent Solution 人才解决方案 Improving Business Results through People … 通过人员来改善经营结果... Business Results 经营结果 Business Strategy 经营战略 People Requirements 人员要求 Employee Needs 员工需求 People Practices, Policies, Programs 人员 方案、政策、计划 Balanced Measurement 均衡评估法 Successful private sector companies manage for value 成功的私营公司的价值管理模式 Business Process 经营程序 People/HR Strategy 人员/人力资源战略 Employment Relationship 聘用关系 The Talent Solution 人才解决方案 Every company is different 因公司而异 The Talent Solution 人才解决方案 Are they creating the right environment where the right people want to come, stay, and contribute? 他们是否正在营造恰当的工作环境,以便吸引恰当的人才加盟、留用并作出积极贡献? Can they point to progress and results from working on these issues? 他们能否通过解决这些问题来取得进步并实现预期结果? Businesses in all sectors face the same issues 各行各业面临着同样的问题 Do they have the right people doing the right things to meet their goals? 为实现目标,他们是否任命恰当的人员来完成恰当的工作? The Talent Solution 人才解决方案 People Management 人员管理 Staffing (the right people) 人员配置 (恰当的人员) Organizing (the right roles) 组织 (合理的角色及职责分) Developing (the right skills) 发展 (恰当的技能) Performing (the right outcomes) 绩效管理 (合理的结果) Rewarding (the right incentives) 全面薪酬 (合理的回报) People Practices, Policies, Programs 人员 方案、政策、计划 A closer look at how people create value in a business 近观人员为企业创造价值的模式 Organizing 组织 Structure is a consequence of strategy 组织结构即是战略成果 Board of Directors 董事会 Representation of ALL sharehold


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