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but ten months later, she received a letter… 时间段 + later in + 时间段 e.g He went to London a week ago. Three days later (after three days) he moved to Italy. e.g. What will the world be like in 100 years? (用于过去时) =after + 时间段 (用于将来时) 精品文档 4、Both girls write to each other regularly now. both它用在名词前面时,of可有可无。在both girls中,both为形容词;在both of the…结构中,both为代词。each other指互相,一般作宾语。 write to sb. =write (a letter) to me 给某人写信   each other 相互,彼此,往往强调两者之间的相互 (注意连读)有时这个短语也可用来指许多人之间“互相” We must all help each other. one another 强调三或三者以上的相互,有时可替代each other They do this by sending messages to one another. Both girls write to each other regularly now. 复习不定代词: both / each / either / neither / all/ every /any/ none / nobody (no one) / nothing all neither none either any 两者 三者(以上) 都 都不 任何 谓语 复数(all指不可数时 应用单数) 单数(none 也可用复数) 单数 both 精品文档 用正确的动词填空: Both of them ________(like) sports. None of the people _________(be) in the room. ---Would you like to have tea or coffee? ---Either ________(be) OK. 4. All the students ________(have) gone to the playground. 5. All the meat _________(have) been eaten up. 6. Neither of the girls ______(want) to take part in the high jump. 7. Any idea _________(be) welcome. like is/are is have wants is has 精品文档 each, every each every 可作不定代词和形容词 仅作形容词 可单独使用 不可单独使用 着重个体 着重全体 用于两者或两者以上的 每个人和物 用于三者或三者以上的 每个人和物 精品文档 河流的两边都有树。 There are trees on __________ of the river. There are trees on ____ of the playground. either side B. every side C. all sides D. any side A 选出不正确的一项 : both sides each side either side Each of us has a dictionary. Every of them likes playing basketball. × Every one of them 精品文档 Tell the differences: the other another others the others 精品文档 the other, 另一个,通常和one连接,有限定范围 老人有两个儿子,一个是做警


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