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初中英语语法专题--副词 一、副词定义: 用来说明事情或动作发生的时间、地点、原因、方式等含义的词 用来说明其它形容词或副词程度的词 二、副词的分类 副词按词汇意义和句法功能可分为时间副词、地点副词、频度副词、程度副词、方式副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词等。初中主要学习和掌握频度副词、方式副词、时间副词、地点副词即可。 J考点一 副词的分类与位置 1、表频率的副词 常见的频率副词有:always,often,usually,sometimes,never,ever,hardly,seldom.它们一般在行为动词之前,系动词、情态动词和助动词之后,. ①He always goes to school on foot. ②She has never been to Beijing. ③She is often late for work. 2、表示方式的副词 与方式相关的副词,如safely,quietly,quickly,politely loudly, luckily ,happily ,easily ,carefully , slowly , suddenly以及fast,late,hard,early等。 此类副词位于动词之后,如果是及物动词一般位于宾语之后。 ①The children are dancing happily. ②They work hard. ③The students did their homework carefully. 3.程度副词 与程度相关的副词有:very , much , only, quite , as, too, too…for, too…to do, well, almost, even, a little , enough , rather, a lot , so,such , badly, nearly , further , really , widely , hardly , a bit等。 它们一般位于被修饰的词前面,但enough要放在被修饰的词后面。 ①I can hardly know her name. ②The cake is so delicious ③He was badly hurt . ④He worked hard enough. 表时间、地点、方向的副词 (1)与时间相关的副词有: ago ,already, before, early, long, late, just, now, once, soon, since, today, tomorrow ,tonight ,yesterday, yet等。 它们通常位于句末,有些也可位于句中如:already等。 ①They’ll come back soon. ②They have finished the work already.=They have already finished the work. (2)与地点、方向相关的副词经常位于动词之后与动词搭配构成短语动词。 outside, inside , upstair ,here ,there ,home, near, come back , turn left , go out 三、副词的考点 J考点1、副词的用法和位置 1).修饰动词作状语,位于动词后。 ①He walked quietly into his bedroom. ②It is raining hard . 2).修饰形容词作状语,位于形容词前。 ①You have a very nice watch. ②The machine is too heavy. 3).修饰另一副词作状语,位于另一副词前。 You walked too slowly, I couldn’t wait for you. 4)有时候也修饰整个句子 Unfortunately,he was out. J考点2、副词的构成: (1) 多数形容词+ly变成副词 . 大多数副词以ly结尾 recent ----recently? sad—sadly slow---slowly clear—clearly final—finally real—really kind- - kindly, careful--- carefully, Silent----silently peaceful---peacefully Safe---safely (2)以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词需改y为i加ly变成副词 happy-- happily, heavy-- heav


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