英语商务信函写作课件常玉田 ISBN9787810786571 ClassroomPresentsPPT17RoutineRequestsF6ClassPPT.pptVIP

英语商务信函写作课件常玉田 ISBN9787810786571 ClassroomPresentsPPT17RoutineRequestsF6ClassPPT.ppt

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商务英语写作 International Business Writing 《英语商务信函写作》 Communicative Letter Writing for Exporters 第十七章 常规询函 Chapter 17 Routine Requests  教学目标 了解一般询函的分类与特征; 掌握日常询函的写作步骤; 能够写出一般询函,如询问产品情况、索要价格表等。 Chapter Objectives Identify the types and nature of incoming requests; Know the characteristics of outgoing routine requests; Understand the format and style of routine requests; Distinguish subtleties of direct and indirect requests; Write appropriate outgoing routine letters of request. 内容提要 本章的主要内容: 本章重点讲述了一般询函的特点及写作方法。一般询函是商业人士获取商品或服务信息的重要方式, 如要求对方寄送目录单、价格单、样品等,它意味着可能的贸易机会。写作一般询函通常遵守下列原则: 直接切入主题,解释你为什么要写这封询函,关于细节的问题,礼貌地提出要求 。询函写作实践性强,建议将一般询函的写作方法与范例结合起来讲授,并指导学生进行模拟写作练习。 本章的重点与难点:一般询函的写作。 Chapter Summery This chapter focuses on the nature of routine request and its writing method. A routine request is a request for general information about some products or services, such as asking for brochures, catalogues, price-lists, samples. Routine requests imply potential business opportunities. When writing a routine request letter, we should state the request directly, provide some reasons or causes for the request, and end the letter complementarily. Writing is a practical matter. The writing skills of routine request should be taught together with sample letters and students actual practice. Key term: routine requests (一般询函) 主要内容 Major Sections 定义与种类 Nature Types of Requests 1.1 询函的定义 Nature of Requests 1.2 询函的种类 Types of Requests 撰写步骤 Writing a Request 2.1 撰 写 步 骤 Steps to write a request 2.2 详 细 步 骤 Steps detailed 2.3 思 考 要 点 Points to ponder 一般询问例信 Exemplary Routine Requests 2.2 Steps detailed State the central message directly Provide some reasons or causes End your request complementarily Chapter 17 Routine Requests *



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