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网络出版时间:2013-04-02 10:20 网络出版地址:/kcms/detail/61.1133.TG1020.151.html 加工工艺曳 2013 年3 月第42 卷第6 期 荫 设备与检测 荫 基于LabView 的热处理温度PID 控制系统设计 1 1 2 曹 静 , 朱传军 , 周 向 (1. 湖北工业大学 机械工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430068; 2. 武汉交通职业学院 机电系, 湖北 武汉 430065) 摘 要 通过对热处理温度控制系统进行再设计袁基于虚拟仪器LabView 袁实现了对热处理设备内温度的数据采 集与自动控制遥利用LabView 程序对热处理温控系统的温度采 信号作信号处理与分析后袁利用数据采集卡的相关数 字端口将分析处理的信号输出到热处理温控系统的温控电路袁然后利用PID 算法以实现对热处理温度控制系统的自 动调节遥 关键词 虚拟仪器曰LabView 曰热处理曰PID 曰温控系统 中图分类号 TG 155 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1001-3814(2013)06-02 17-03 Design of Heat Treatment Temperature PID Control System Based on Lab View 1 1 2 CAO Jing , ZHU Chuanjun , ZHOU Xiang (1. College of Mechanical and Engineering, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China; 2. Department of Mechanical and Electrical, Wuhan Technical College of Communications, Wuhan 430065, China) Abstract 院Based on virtual instrument (Labview), the heat treatment temperature control system was designed again to realize the data acquisition and automatic control of the temperature in the heat treatment equipment. The sample input signals were analyzed and disposed to determine the size of the system output signals by using the LabView program, and the output signal was transferred through the data acquisition card digital port to the external temperature control circuit, so the PID algorithm was used to achieve the control of the heat treatment temperature control system. Key


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