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2010 National Teaching Seminar on Cryptography and Information Security (2010NTS-CIS) Design and Application of Moot Court in Course Teach- ing of Information Security Laws and Regulations 1 2 3 ZHANG Ning , FU Xiaotong ,CHEN Yuan XiDian University Telecommunication Department ,Xian , China 1. zhang_n@mail.xidian.edu.cn, 2.xtfu@mail.xidian.edu.cn ,3.Ychen@mail.xidian.edu.cn Abstract: Concerning about the importance of curriculum for information security laws and regulations, the actual existed situation in the teaching process of curriculum for information security laws and regulations is discussed, and, in the teaching process of the course, the main problems which should be paid attention to are analyzed. Based on the analysis of the present teaching form, the feasibility of employing the moot court teaching method in the teaching process of curriculum for information security laws and regulations is ana- lyzed from theoretical aspect. Then the employment of moot court teaching form in the teaching of curricu- lum for information security laws and regulations is proposed, and each process of the curriculum teaching is studied and designed, furthermore the after-class evaluation system is investigated, the practical evaluation program is designed and exampled in detail. At last, by practical implementation, the good result was achieved by using of this method in the teaching of curriculum for information security laws and regulations. Keywords: information security laws and regulations; moot court; design of curriculum 模拟法庭在信息安全法律法规教学中的设计与实践



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