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负折射率材料中超短脉冲的研究进展2008.4.18 主要内容 什么是负折射率材料 负折射率材料的研究与进展 微波波段的负折射率材料的研究进展 光波波段的负折射率材料的研究进展 负折射率材料中短脉冲的研究进展 什么是负折射率材料 在经典电动力学中,介质的电磁性质可以用介电常数ε和磁导率μ两个宏观参数来描述。正弦时变电磁场的波动方程(Helmholtz方程)为: (1) 其中 折射光仍然满足Snell定律 反常的Doppler效应 若光源发出频率 w0 的光,而侦测器以速度v接近光源时,在一般介质之中侦测器所接收到的电磁波频率将比 w0高,而在左手材料中,则会收到比w0低的频率。 反常的切伦柯夫(Cerenkov)效应和光压 在 Cerenkov 辐射效应中,当一个粒子在介质中以速度 v 沿一直线运动,其辐射出的场会遵循 的形式,波向量 k (k=kz/cosq) 的方向会主要顺着v的方向,但 kr 方向分量则在一般介质与左手材料中恰好会完全相反。 电磁辐射对反射体造成的光压,在左手材料的环境之中形成对反射体的拉曳力,而不是如在一般介质中的压力。 负折射率材料的研究与进展 Recent progress of short optical pulses in NIMs 2005, Scalora et al derived a new generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation describing the propagation of ultrashort pulses in NIMs. M. Scalora, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 013902 (2005). The linear and nonlinear coefficients can be tailored through the linear properties of the medium to attain any combination of signs unachievable in ordinary matter, with significant potential to realize a wide class of solitary waves. Substituting and retaining linear derivatives up to second order, and neglecting nonlinear second order temporal derivatives, the above equations can be writed as Under the retarded coordinates and approximations Then Compared to the case of ordinary nonlinear dynamics, The equations includes a lot of new, richer dynamical characteristics due to special linear and nonlinear coefficient. First, the sign of the GVD can be positive or negative, depending on the particular choice of parameters. Second, assuming a positiveχ(3) , the sign of the leading nonlinear coefficient is always positive. The quintic correction term is always positive, and its effect is to enhance the nonlinearity. For ordinary materials the effect of this term is to quench the nonlinearity. Third, usually the coefficient of the shock term is negat