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论文题目:大型隧道贯通测量方案设计 专 业:测绘工程 本 科 生:史凯飞 (签名) 指导教师:汤伏全 (签名) 摘 要 贯通测量在隧道施工中占有很重要的地位,是保证隧道能够顺利的沿着设计要求进行的坚实基础,而贯通测量误差预计是保证隧道正确贯通的关键环节。在实际工作中有重要意义。 结合乌鞘岭铁路隧道工程,本文的内容主要包括: (1)设计隧道内的初步测量方案,布设导线点,并对其进行误差预计(包括平面和高程)。 (2)采用Visual Basic 编制贯通测量误差预计程序,用于支导线及加测陀螺坚强边的贯通误差预计。 (3)通过对贯通测量的误差预计,结合地面起始边误差和贯通限差,对初步设计方案进行调整,确定隧道贯通测量技术方案,包括测角、测距精度要求以及导线布设。 最终设计出乌鞘岭铁路隧道的最优化测量方案。 关 键 词: 隧道工程,误差预计,程序设计,贯通方案设计 PAGE PAGE 4 Subject : The design of holing through survey of the large-scale tunnel Specialty : Surveying and Mapping Engineering Name : Shi-kai Fei (Signature) Instructor:Fu-quan Tang (Signature) ABSTRACT Breakthrough survey is an extremely important technical in the tunnel construction work, but the breakthrough survey error estimates is the key link to ensure that whether the tunnel is correctly throughed,and it has vital significance in the practical work. Unifies the Wu Qiaoling railway tunnel work, this article includes: (1) Designing a preliminary plan for the tunnels surveying, and carries on error estimates and adjustments to it. (Including plane and elevation). (2) Compiles a special-purpose procedure by Visual Basic to estimates the Breakthrough error in the Mine shaft Traverse and the additional gyrostatic orientation sides. (3) Through the error estimated, unifies the ground nearby error and the penetration tolerance error, makes the adjustment to the preliminary design plan, then definite technical program for the tunnel breakthrough surveys including angulations, Range finder accuracy and wire building. Keywords: Crossing project, the error expected, the program design, the design of breakthrough project 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章 绪论 1 1.1概述 1 1.2贯通测量研究的现状 2 1.3误差预计的意义 2 第二章 隧道贯通测量中的误差 3 2.1隧道贯通测量限差 3 2.2贯通测量的误差来源分析 4 2.2.1光电测距误差 4 2.2.2水平角测量的误差 4 2.2.3


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