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单元知识检测 教材回扣 Ⅰ.用本单元所学短语完成句子 1.Could you tell me how to         (除掉) the rubbish?? 2.The grammar book is         (有益)to me.? 3.Running can help you            (增强体力).? 4.Though Jenny is the best student in study,she shouldn’t                        (撒谎而不受惩罚).? 答案:1.get rid of  2.of great benefit 3.build up your strength 4.get away with telling lies 5.The doctor told me               (减少) smoking.? 答案:5.to cut down Ⅱ.课文缩写填空   Wang Peng earned his 1.    (live) by running a restaurant,2.   served barbecued mutton kebabs,roast pork,stir-fried vegetables and 3.     (fry) rice.But his food and discount attracted fewer and fewer customers.He was afraid that his restaurant would be 4.     debt. Yong Hui’s 5.     (slim) restaurant served rice,raw vegetables in vinegar,fruit and water.As the hostess, she said fibre 6.    (benefit) customers’ digestion the most. In order not to let Yong Hui get away with telling 7.    (lie),Wang Peng spied on Yong Hui despite her glare. But he was surprised that she was losing her customers,too.? 8.     (curious) drove Wang Peng to do some research,which showed their menus both had weaknesses.So the only solution was 9.     (combine) the two menus together and provide a 10.     (balance) diet.? Before long,Wang Peng won his customers back. 答案:1.living 2.which 3.fried 4.in 5.slimming 6.benefited 7.lies 8.Curiosity 9.to combine 10.balanced 语境活用 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.As for my opinion,I can’t agree with you     (much).? 2.In recent years an English word “infosphere” has appeared,    (combine) the sense of “information” and “atmosphere”.? 3.If you want to lose    (weigh),you’d better eat less and do more exercise.? 4.After I received the gift,I opened the box just to satisfy my     (curious).? 答案:1.bining 3.weight 4.curiosity 5.I consulted      a physician(内科医生),I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and healthy meals.(2017天津,完形填空)? 6.You should decide whether to go on the trip after     (balance) the advantages and disadvan



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