Basics of image classification with Keras – Towards Data Science英文文献资料.pdf

Basics of image classification with Keras – Towards Data Science英文文献资料.pdf

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John Olafenwa Follow A 22 years old, self Taught Computer Programmer and Deep Neural Network Practitioner with focus on Computer Vision. Lives In Nigeria. Jan 19 · 5 min read Basics of image classication with Keras In my previous post, I delved into some of the theoretical concepts underlying articial neural networks. In this post, I would be explaining some common operations that you would frequently need in keras. First, how to save models and use them for prediction later, displaying images from the dataset and loading images from our system and predicting their class. Fire up your IDE if you haven’t done so and read on. SAVING MODELS Training models is a very slow process, nobody want’s to do that every time, fortunately, we only need to train our model once, save it and then we can load it anytime and use it to predict new images. Keras saves models in the .h5 format, so in case you skipped installing h5py in the rst tutorial I posted, pleas run pip3 install h5py We would also need matplotlib to visualize our image, hence, run pip3 install matplotlib Here is the code for the rst tutorial import keras from keras.datasets import mnist from keras.layers import Dense from keras.models import Sequential from keras.optimizers import SGD (train_x, train_y) , (test_x, test_y) mnist.load_data() #train_x train_x.astype(float32) / 255 #test_x test_x.astype(float32) / 255 print(train_x.shape) print(train_y.shape) print(test_x.shape) print(test_y.shape) train_x train_x.reshape(60000,784) test_x test_x.reshape(10000,784) train_y keras.utils.to_categorical(train_y,10) test_y keras.utils.to_categorical(test_y,10) model Sequential() model.add(Dense(units 128,activation relu,input_shape (784,)


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