2019高考英语 基础保分篇 第八讲 构词法 .ppt

2019高考英语 基础保分篇 第八讲 构词法 .ppt

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* * 目录 CONTENTS * 标题文本预设 此部分内容作为文字排版占位显示 (建议使用主题字体) 标题文本预设 此部分内容作为文字排版占位显示 (建议使用主题字体) 标题文本预设 此部分内容作为文字排版占位显示 (建议使用主题字体) 标题文本预设 此部分内容作为文字排版占位显示 (建议使用主题字体) 目录 CONTENTS 01 02 03 04 * 李仕才 读语篇,悟语法。反复朗读下列短文,领悟画线黑体部分。思考:画线的单词有什么特点?各种前缀如何用?各种前缀表示什么意思?单词加了前缀后词性有没有变化? John and his father never agree on one thing, so they often disapprove[1] of each other, for there was some misunderstanding[2] between them. Once, John and his parents went to his aunt’s home for dinner. When they left after dinner, John said “Bye-bye!” to his aunt in a low voice. However, his father didn’t hear it and he thought John misbehaved[3] himself for it was impolite[4] to leave without saying goodbye.John insisted that he did say it, but his father didn’t listen to him. From then on, John was unfriendly[5] to his father, which made his father extremely unhappy[6]. Undoubtedly[7], it is unwise[8] of John to do so. After all, they are father and son. His father sent him to a class of manners to enrich[9] his knowledge of manners, which his father believed would enable[10] him to be a good-mannered boy. John’s father said he was angry at his son’s dishonesty[11],which would certainly endanger[12] his future. His father’s nonstop[13] nonsense caused John much discomfort[14]. John had to go to the class. Later on,he did everything against his father’s will. 1.dis--表示“相反或否定”意义的前缀。approve赞同→disapprove不赞同,反对。 2 mis--表示“错误或否定”意义的前缀。understand理解→misunderstand误解,misunderstanding是其名词形式。 3.mis--表示“错误或否定”意义的前缀。behave表现得体→misbehave行为不端。 4.前缀im--通常加在以字母p开头的形容词前,表示“不、非”的意思,polite有礼貌的→impolite没礼貌的;而同是表示“不、非”的前缀--il常加在以字母l开头的单词前;前缀-ir则常加在以字母r开头的单词前。 5~8.前缀un--通常加在形容词或副词的前面,表示“不、非”的意思,friendly友好的→unfriendly不友好的,happy开心的→unhappy不开心的。 9~10.前缀-en-通常加在形容词前面,表示“使……”的意思,rich丰富的→enrich使丰富,使充实;able能够→enable使能够。一般的前缀不会改变词性,但前缀en--会改变所加的单词的词性。 11.dis-表示“相反或否定”意义的前缀。dis-可以加在名词的前面,honesty诚实→dishonesty不诚实。 12.前缀en--也可以加在名词前面,表示“使……”的意思,danger危险→endanger危及。 13.前缀non--构成形容词、副词和名词,表示“无、没有”的意思。 14.Dis--表示“相反或否定”意义的前缀。dis--可以加在名词的前面,comfo


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