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Studying aims 1.To learn the names of tools, such as brush、glue、rope、scissors、tape. 2.To give a talk about “DIY”. DIY Do it yourself! Look at the pictures. stand for ( 代表) Task1 Lead-in make , repair or decorate things yourself 修补 装饰 exactly 确切地,精确地 instructions Are you good at DIY? tell us how to do clearly had better 最好 tools n. 工具 scissors n. 剪刀 tape n. 磁带,胶带 brush n. 刷子 tapes brushes rope n. 绳索 glue n. 胶水 What is it used for? We use it to paint(粉刷) the walls. We cant cut paper easily without it. We can use it to stick(粘) paper. Its often in the bottle. We always use it to stick paper on the wall. 学生活动指导:快速浏览,抢答为小组加分。 Match the words with pictures. brush glue rope scissors tape brush tape scissors glue rope Task2 学生活动指导:独立完成,听口令抢答,搭配正确并发音准确可为小组加一分。 1. What does DIY stand for? 2. What do you exactly do when you do DIY? 3. How does Suzy like DIY? It stands for “do-it-yourself”. You need to make, repair or decorate things yourself. Suzy enjoys it very much. Listen to the dialogue between Millie and Suzy and answer. 学生活动指导:1.快速翻译问题2.仔细听录音后快速抢答,回答正确可为小组的一分。 Task3 Millie: What’s DIY exactly, Suzy? Suzy: It stands for “do-it-yourself”. When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it. Millie: What are you going to do then? Suzy: I’m going to make some paper roses. Millie: It sounds lovely. What do you need for that? Suzy: I need some paper, glue and a pair of scissors. Millie: Do you like DIY? Suzy: Yes, I do. I enjoy making something new. That’s fun. Read the dialogue stand for Task4 1. It stands for “do-it-yourself”. stand for,译为“代表,象征”,后面常接名词或名词性短语。 What does a rose stand for? 玫瑰象征什么呢? It stands for love. 它代表着爱情。 Millie: What’s DIY exactly, Suzy? Suzy: It stands for “do-it-yourself”. When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it. Millie: What are you going to do then? S



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