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Unit 6 Let’s play games. 一、单元要点 1.知识概述 (1)学生通过玩得到快乐,并在玩中有所收益。 (2)学习几种游戏的玩法及英语短语词组。 (3)学习元音字母a在开音节中发 的音。 (4)能说出和唱出本单元的英语歌谣。 2.单元重点词汇 draw,throw,catch,hide,pick, kick,put,bounce the ball, kick the shuttlecock,throw the beanbag,catch the beanbag,hide and seek, pick and put. 3.交际用语 (1)Which one do you want to play first?    你想先玩哪一个? (2)Where is Sam?    山姆在哪里? (3)He must be in the lemon house.    他一定在柠檬房子里。 (4)Pick an apple and put it under the chair.    拿个苹果放在椅子下。 (5)Let’s catch the big white cat.    让我们捉住那只大白猫。 二、单元学习 1.复习 名词:hair,eye,ear,neck,hand,foot,head,nose,mouth,arm,leg 动词:see,smell,hear,taste,touch,clap,hold,pick, write,catch, stand,run,kick,stamp,hop,jump (2)Sentences: He’s got?three eyes,?four hands,?four ears and three legs. 他有三只眼睛、四只手、四个耳朵和三条腿。 What can you?see? 你能看到什么? I can?see a book. 我能看到一本书。 What can we do with our hands and feet? 我们能用我们的手和脚做什么? We can catch the balls with our hands. 我们可以用我们的手捉住球。 3)Pronunciation: 元音字母u在重读闭音节中发 的音,发 时嘴张大,舌尖轻轻碰到下齿。 2、重难点知识讲解 ①New words and expressions: ②Sentences: Which one do you want to play first? 你想先玩哪个? Where is Sam? 山姆在哪里? He must be in the lemon house. 他一定在柠檬房子里。 Pick an apple and put it under the chair. 拿一个苹果放在椅子下。 (2)Study pronunciation. ①元音字母a在开音节中发 的音,发 时口型由半开到合音,由 到 滑动,由重到轻。 ②Look, listen, point and say. ③Sound practise. (3)Look, write and read, write the first letter and say the word: 答案:   a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n, o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z (4)Chant and act. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.       Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.    Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show me your shoes. ? Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, eat more fruit.    ? Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs.     ? Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, wash your hair.    ? Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn off the lights.  ? Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say goodnight.     (5)Pat and catch.  游戏规则:学生围成圈。一生扮演猫,一生扮演狗,他们站在不同的地方。 当老师说“开始”时,其他学生喊:“白猫,白猫,捉住大白猫。”两遍。 猫在两遍内被捉住,狗获得10分;如果狗没有捉住猫,猫获得10分。 (6)A guessing


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