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How can we make grandpa and grandma happy? I think, we can ... ... 9. listen, number and read. 5’06“ 谢谢欣赏 中小学教育教学资源打包下载 /?spm=a1z10.1-c.0.0.zoX8Bj 01 梳头 combing hair 01 01 沏茶 making tea 01 01 洗西红柿 washing the tomatoes 01 01 擦窗户 cleaning the window 01 now its sentense learning 现在我们开始学习句子 What is he/she /they doing? 他/她/他们正在做什么? Housework! She is mopping the floor. He is sweeping the floor She is mopping the floor. She is sweeping the floor. She is feeding the dog. He is cleaning the window. He is making tea. He is reading a story book. She is scrubbing the floor. She is making tea. They are cleaning the window. He is feeding the bird. He is washing the tomatoes. She is combing hair. She is tidying the books. He is cleaning the cupboard. Here we are! 我们来啦! Let’s act Would you like to listen to my story? Yes, thanks a lot. Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, please Ill clean the kitchen. 我来打扫厨房吧。 2. Listen,look, point and say. th [θ] maths mouth teeth month moth bath fourth cloth Sound practise. Beth thank fifth tooth booth north path Seth 3. Read and tick What can you do at home for your grandpa and grandma ? I can mop the floor. I can feed the dog I can... 5. A mini play (grandpa two pupils a car driver a bike-rider) Ding ling ling ! Ding ling ling! Oh ,the bike is fast. I can’t across the street. Beep! Beep! Beep! Oh, I can’t cross the street. The car is very fast. Grandpa, let’s help you. Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you. Stop! Stop! Let’s go grandpa. Ok, you can go now. Thanks very much. You are welcome. Goodbye. Bye-bye! 剑桥少儿英语一级 Unit 14 Let‘s help the old. 让我们帮助老人。 Can you help us? Thank you! First, I want to ask you a question: what kind of houseworkdo you do at home? 首先,我要问大家一个问题: 平常你们都在家做些什么家务活儿呢? ? 扫地,洗碗... Today we are going to learn some expressions about housework. 对了, 今天我们就将学习一些家务活儿的英语表达法。 Now its new words and phrase learning. 接下来就是新单词和短语学习。 New words and expressions clean [kli:n] wash [w?:?] feed [f


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