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 beer, milk, juice, coffee. candy, burger, sausage, bread, fries/ chips, chocolate, noodles, ice cream, rice, chicken, cookie. apple, banana, pear, orange, grapes, peach, pineapple, watermelon. peas, tomato, pumpkin, onion, carrot, potato. Game cry clap smile jump (4)Read, think and choose. Have you ever had these? 你吃过这些食物吗? Yes, I often have these./I sometimes have these. 是的,我常吃。/我有时吃。 Which foods that you like are missing? 你喜欢吃的哪些食物不见了? Tick the ones you have had. 勾出你曾经吃过的食物。 Eat less of the following food. 少吃下面的食物。 6. Look, think, add and say. You can do it. One fruit stands for a number. 一种水果代表一个数字。 All the numbers are between 1 and 6. 所有的数字在1到6之间。 Add the numbers together. 把所有的数字加在一起。 The total number is at the ends of the lines and columns. 总数在每条直栏和竖线末尾。 orange=1   apple=3   grapes=2 banana=4   pear=5    pineapple=6 7. Ask and answer Do you often eat…? 你经常吃……吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我经常吃。 Not often, but sometimes. 不常常,有时候。 No, never. 不,从不。 (8)Look and write. 答案: bat, fan, cap, bag, cat, mat, mouse, egg. (9)Listen and write. 答案:   rice, fish, bread, chicken, burger, egg, cake, chips, ice cream, sausage. 抄写单词 burger 汉堡 candy 糖果 coffee 咖啡 chips/fries薯条sausage香肠 noodle面条 rice米饭pizza披萨饼 onion洋葱 两行八个,并让家长签字。 听读第三单元并预习第四单元,要坚持哦!Come on! 中小学教育教学资源打包下载 / pizza cake butter /’b?t? / 黄油 sandwich /’s?nwid?/ 三明治 pizza /’pits? / 披萨 chips /t?ips/ fries /fra?z/ 薯条 candy /k?ndi/ 糖果 chocolate /’t??k?lit / 巧克力 ice cream /ais kri:m/ 冰激凌 /‘kukiz/ 饼干 ? ? ? ? ? ? chicken cake bread hot dogs French fries hamburger drinks milk beer water tea coffee juice lemonade beer /bi?/ 啤酒 coffee /‘k?fi/ 咖啡 Game 1: Listen and guess 规则:在老师的描述中抢答这是什么食物? 1.?It is white and small. Many people eat them every day. (rice) 2. It is yummy(美味) to eat, it is red and round. (tomato) 3.??It lives in the water , it can swim. we can eat it or watch it. (fish) 4.?Its colour is green, it is small and round . (green bean) Game 2: 击鼓传球 Rule: 音乐开始,开始传球;音乐停,拿到球的同学必须用英文说


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