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Bend down! Cross your arms! Put your arms down! Put your arms up! 弯腰! 交叉你的手臂! 放下你的手臂! 把你的手臂向上伸! Stand on your left legs! Put your hands behind your back! 用你的左脚站! 把你的手放在你的背后! Homework 1.朗读1单元part1,7和预习2单元part1; 2.新单词shop,farm,beach,bookshop,bus stop,train station,每个抄写4+1遍; 3.默写新单词,并让家长签字。 homework 1.听读签:2单元,part1,2;1单元part1,2,7 2.完成课堂宝2单元练习。 谢谢观赏 WPS Office 中小学教育教学资源打包下载 / Unit 2 Doing English in the classroom hair eye ear neck hand foot head nose mouth arm leg Have you got...? Yes,I have. No,I havent. shop [??p] 商店 beach [bi:t?] 沙滩 bookshop 书店 bus stop 公交站 farm [fɑ:m] 农场 train station [steI?n] 火车站 shop train station bus stop park beach bookshop farm drinks plants food sports school things numbers Buses and cars Fruits Time Names Family Body Colours Animals farm beach bookshop bus stop park train station part 1 What are house animals? 家养动物 What are farm animals? 农场动物 What are zoo animals? 动物园动物 chicken horse fish duck turtle cow frog sheep rabbit goat What are house animals? What are farm animals? What are zoo animals? e [e] ee [i:] a [?] leg sheep flag head tree three green carrot dress map cat desk bed bee cap hen sea beach bean eat jeans leaf meat pea peach read tea teach ea [i:] 读一读,想一想 ea 在下面的单词发的什么音呢? Now,listen!You can find out [lIs?n]听 找出 about water in book 6,under w. You can find out about food in book 2,under f.Please find out about the other things. [?e?] 其他的 You can find out about food in book 2,under f. 你可以在第二册里,在字母f下面 找出有关食物的资料。 Please find out about the other things. 请找出有关其它东西 的资料。 Stand up! Look right! Look left! Look up! 站起来! 看右面! 看左面! 看上面!


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