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唐汉钧教授运用中医药方法治疗毒蛇咬伤 中西医结合治疗毒蛇咬伤是优势与特色之一。 季得胜蛇药是具有代表性临床治疗毒蛇咬伤药物。 We have advantages and characteristics to treat snakebite with integrated Chinese and Western medicines. Ji Desheng Chinese drugs for snakebite is a representative to treat such kind of disease. 唐汉钧教授运用中医药方法治疗毒蛇咬伤 目前我院每年救治大约100例蛇伤病人,除一例因送院时间晚、救治无效死亡外,其他千余例病人全部被抢救成功,已经成为上海市和华东地区著名的治疗毒蛇咬伤专科。 Currently our hospital treat about 100 patients of snakebite every year. All the patients were rescued except one died for too late to hospital. We have been famous for treating snakebite and become the snakebite specialized hospital in Shanghai and Eastern?China. 图为包机从烟台送到我院成功救治的蔡淳治先生,中央电视台等多家媒体滚动宣传。 The picture shows Mr. Cai Chunzhi who charter flights from Yantai to our hospital and successfully be treated. CCTV and other media roll propaganda. 龙华医院急诊科开展特色技术、疗法研究 Emergency department of Longhua Hospital carries out special medical technology and treatment. 针刺、灌肠综合治疗AECOPD显示出有效改善呼吸肌疲劳、减轻胃肠道胀气和瘀血,促进呼吸衰竭的纠正。 The comprehensive treatment of acupuncture and enema for AECOPD effectively improve respiratory muscle fatigue, reduce gastrointestinal and stasis flatulence. The therapy can help to treat respiratory failure. 成功救治鱼胆中毒并多脏器功能衰竭患者 Successful treatment of patient of fish bile poisoning and multiple organ failure. 心肺复苏后综合征、严重脓毒症患者 Patient of postcardiopulmonary resuscitation and severe sepsis. 谢 谢! Thanks for your time! 对于脓毒症的三大失衡问题,提出了三证三法,用祖国医学来解释,中医的辩证观,将炎症失衡同于毒热证,免疫失衡同于血虚证,凝血失衡同于血淤证,分别用清热解毒法来治疗毒热证,扶正固本法治疗血虚证,活血化瘀法治疗血淤证,从而早期的干预,集束的治疗,使机体达到一种平衡状态。血必净注射液作为国药之精粹,能够针对炎症的问题、免疫的问题、 凝血的问题,对冰山之下的内因进行干预,从而击碎冰山。 中医急诊学的源流和发展 The origin?and?development?of the emergency of Traditional Chinese Medicine 方邦江 教授 Prof. FANG Bangjiang 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院 Longhua hospital affiliated to Shanghai university of traditional Chinese medicine 方邦江教授 简介 教授/主任医师、医学博士 博士生导师 急救科主任 中华医学会急诊分会常务委员 中华中医药学会急诊分会副主任委员 世界中医药联合会急诊分会会长 中国中西医结合学会急救医学专业委员会副主任委员 Introduction of Prof. Fang Professor, MD Doctoral tutor Director of Emergency dep


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