九年级英语分册复习Review of Units 3--4.ppt

九年级英语分册复习Review of Units 3--4.ppt

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九年级英语分册复习 Review Units 3---4 授课老师:李阿利 Book3 Units 3、4 1.考点梳理 . 知识清单 2.核心要点. 探究突破 3.经典真题. 感悟中考 4.话题在线. 链接中考 1. celebrate (v. )→ ___________ (n. ) 庆祝;庆贺 2. wonder (v. )好奇,想知道 → __________ (adj. ) 精彩的 → ____________ (adv. ) 精彩地 3.Choose (v.)→ ____________ (V.p) _________ (V.pp)→ _________(n) 4.deep(adj.) → _________(adv)深深地,深刻地 5.record(v) → _________(n) celebration chose wonderful wonderfully chosen choice deeply 词汇拓展:have no choice but to… record 词汇拓展:set\keep\break a world record 6.born(v) → _________ (n) → _________ (生日) 7. converse (v. ) → _________ (n. )交谈,对话 8. fit(v. )合适,合身→ _________ (v.p\v.pp) 9. blow(v. )→ _______(v.p) → _______(v.pp) 10. perfect (adj. ) 美好的,完美的→ _______ (adv. )完美地 11.interview(v.\n)面试采访→ __________ (采访者\面试者) → ___________(被采访者) conversation fit\fitted blew blown perfectly interviewer interviewee birth birthday 词汇拓展:be born in\on\with 【品词自测】根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 ① Traveling a lot is as_________(wonder)as reading a lot. They both can bring us much. ②I_______(wonder)what you need ③Everyone will have good __________(记忆)of childhood ④We are all______(deep)moved by the old couple’s love story ⑤May I have your________(地址)please? ⑥We have never met a foreiner who can speak Chinese so_________(perfect) ⑦The __________(interview)was satisfied with his answer, so he got the job. wonderful deeply perfectly interviewer address wonder memories 1.感谢…… Thank you___ 多亏…… Thanks____ 2. 吹灭 blow ____ 3. 和……是一样的号码 the same size ___ 4. 试穿 try ___ 5.在第……个路口向右/左拐 _____ right/left ____________ 6. 在去……的路上 _____ one’s way__ 7.忙于做…… be busy_______ 8.在对面,在对过 across_______ for out as on turn on to doing from at the…crossing Quick quiz! to turn on\off turn up\down 9. stay in touch with …… ____________ 10. compare with _________ ______


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