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课件之家精心整理资料--欢迎你的欣赏 课件之家精心整理资料--欢迎你的欣赏 本科毕业论文(设计) 论文(设计)题目: 浅析当代中国农村养老问题 --以XXX市西秀区小龙村为例 学 院:法 学 院 专 业:社 会 工 作 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2008年 5月 31日 摘 要 中国农村的养老问题一直是全社会都非常关注的一个大问题,随着计划生育政策在农村的实施,拥有中国大多数老年人口的农村地区迅速出现家庭小型化,家庭养老功能弱化的倾向,同时,农村劳动力向城市的流动加快、代际倾斜严重、农村年轻一代道德观念的下降等因素,都使得传统的家庭养老形式面临着严峻的挑战。在我国农村,养老都是沿用“家庭养老”为主,“社会救助供养”为辅的模式。对XXX市西秀区小龙村现状研究,可以阐述中国农村养老的现状,揭示中国农村养老存在的一些突出的问题,并在这些问题的基础上提出几点建议,作为解决中国农村养老问题的途径。 关键词:农村,养老,家庭养老,社会养老,社区养老 Abstract The Chinese countrysides retirement question has been a major problem which the entire society pays attention, along with the birth control policy in the countryside implementation, has China majority old population countryside area to present the family miniaturization rapidly, the tendency which the family retirement function attenuates, simultaneously, the rural labor force speeds up, the generation of border incline to the urban flowing to be serious, countryside younger generation moralitys factors and so on drop, cause traditional the family retirement form to face the stern challenge. In countryside, the retirement is continues to use “the family retirement” primarily, “the society rescues provides for” for the auxiliary pattern. To the Anshun Xixiu District dragonet village present situation research, may elaborate that the Chinese countryside retirements present situation, promulgates the Chinese countryside retirement existence some prominent questions, and in these questions foundation proposed that several suggestions, in order to solves the Chinese countryside retirement question. Keywords: Countryside, retirement, family retirement, social retirement, community retirement 目 录 摘 要 ……………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ Abstract…………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ引 言 ……………………………………………………………………………Ⅲ 一、小龙村的养老现状…………………………………………………………1 (一)主要养老方式——家庭养老………………………………………………1 (二)小龙村养老的补充形式——社会养老…………………………………2 二、该村老年人的养老存在的问题………………………………………4  (一)该村家庭经济水平较低,对于老年人的照顾有限………………4 (二)该村家庭规模缩小,家庭功能减弱和人口流动加快,代际倾斜严


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