新标准大学英语知识(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 2 A篇练习的答案及课文翻译.ppt

新标准大学英语知识(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 2 A篇练习的答案及课文翻译.ppt

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motionless a. not moving at all 静止的;一动不动的 e.g. 1. He has this ability of being able to remain as motionless as a statue, for hours on end. 他有本事连续几个小时一动不动,像雕塑一样。 2. She sat motionless, waiting for their decision. 她坐在那里一动不动,等候他们作出决定。 3. The water was glassy and motionless, reflecting the ink sky above. 水面波平如镜,映射出天空墨水似的颜色。 Word family: motion n. Words & Phrases shrill a. a shrill noise or voice is very loud, high, and unpleasant (噪音或嗓音)尖锐的,刺耳的 e.g. 1. The unearthly silence was broken by a shrill screaming. 一声尖叫打破了这可怕的沉寂。 2. Shrill cries flew up around us as the quake broke out. 地震时,我们周围充斥着尖厉的哭喊声。 Words & Phrases sob 1. n. [C] the act of crying noisily while taking short breaths 啜泣;呜咽;抽噎 e.g. 1. His voice broke into a sob as he answered. 他回答的时候,声音像哭一样。 2. After a moment, he let out a long sob, quickly covering his face with free hand. 过了片刻,他发出一阵呜咽,迅速用一只手遮住了脸。 2. v. to cry noisily while taking short breaths 啜泣;呜咽;抽噎 e.g. The boy started to sob when he couldn’t find his mother. 孩子因找不到他妈妈哭了起来。 Words & Phrases probable a. likely to happen or be true 很可能的;很可能发生的;很可能真实的 e.g. 1. The probable outcome of the talks is a compromise. 会谈的结果很可能是妥协。 2. It is probable that the medication will suppress the symptom without treating the condition. 这种药物有可能治标不治本。 Word family: probability n. Words & Phrases stun vt. to shock and surprise sb. so much that they cannot react immediately 使震惊;使大吃一惊;使惊得目瞪口呆 e.g. 1. Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film’s violent and tragic end. 许多来看电影的人都被这部影片暴力而悲惨的结局所震惊。 2. Her wit stunned the audience. 她的才智令观众赞叹不已。 Words & Phrases contract vi. if a muscle contracts, it becomes tighter (肌肉)紧缩 e.g. 1. Blood is only expelled from the heart when it contracts. 血液在心脏收缩的时候从心脏流出。 2. New research shows that an excess of meat and salt can contract muscles. 新的研究表明,过量食


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