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2017年雅思口语练习辅导材料   天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的灵感。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年雅思口语练习辅导材料,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!   Good morning, and welcome to the museum mdash; onewith a remarkable range of exhibits, which I#39;m sureyou#39;ll enjoy.   上午好,欢迎来到博物馆。我们博物馆展品丰富,相信你们一定会享受这次参观的。   My name#39;s Greg, and I#39;ll tell you about the variouscollections as we go round.   我叫Greg,在参观的过程中我会给你们讲解不同的藏品。   But before we go, let me just give you a taste ofwhat we have here.   不过在出发之前,我先简短地给你们介绍一下我们的藏品。   Well, for one thing, we have a fine collection of twentieth and twenty-first century paintings,many by very well-known artists.   首先,我们收藏了一批很棒的二十世纪和二十一世纪的画作,很多都是出自名家之手。   I#39;m sure you#39;ll recognise several of the paintings.   我相信你们会认出其中几幅的。   This is the gallery that attracts the largest number of visitors,   这个画廊吸引的参观者人数最多,   so it#39;s best to go in early in the day, before the crowds arrive.   所以大家最好早一点,赶在大批人群到来之前进去,   Then there are the nineteenth-century paintings.   然后,我们还有十九世纪的画作。   The museum was opened in the middle of that century,   博物馆是在十九世纪中期建成的,   and several of the artists each donated one work mdash; to get the museum started, as it were.   好像为了筹建这座博物馆,几位画家每人捐赠了一幅作品。   So they#39;re of special interest to us mdash; we feel closer to them than to other works.   所以这些画作对我们来说有着特殊的意义,我们对它们比对其他作品感觉更加亲近。   The sculpture gallery has a number of fine exhibits, but I#39;m afraid it#39;s currently closed forrefurbishment.   雕塑展厅有很多不错的展品,但是恐怕目前正在闭厅装修。   You#39;ll need to come back next year to see it properly,   你们需要明年再过来才能好好地参观,   but a number of the sculptures have been moved to other parts of the museum.   不过那里的许多雕塑都已经被挪到了博物馆的其他区域。   #39; Around the world #39; is a temporary exhibition mdash; you#39;ve probably seen something about it onTV or in the newspapers.   Around the world是一个短期的展览,你们也许已经在电视上或者报纸上看到过相关的信息了。   It#39;s created a great deal of interest, because it presents objects from every continent and manycountries,   很多人对这个展览都很感兴趣,因为它展示的是来自各个大洲很多国家的物品,   and provides i


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