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2017年雅思阅读文章《谷歌为何道歉》   每一年每一次的雅思考试都会让考生怀疑人生,为什么这么难!因此考生备考时还是要加倍努力呀。下面,为大家送上一篇2017年雅思阅读文章,欢迎阅读。   The Afghan army says at least ten members of the Taliban have been beheaded by rival militants from the Islamic State group in the east of the country. The beheadings followed weeks of fierce fightings between the two groups. Mark Lobell reports from Kabul.   ldquo;The revelations emerged in a secret memo from the Afghan armyrsquo;s 201th Col mistakenly sent to the media on Wednesday. The document says that a Taliban attack on a government-held area in the remote action district close to the border with Pakistan was repelled by the army. Then ten fleeing insurgents were captured by Islamic State militants and beheaded. This is the first known beheadings of Taliban members by Islamic State linked fighters who have reportedly been trying to recruit soldiers from the Taliban.rdquo;   South African police have launched a preliminary investigation into allegations that the countryrsquo;s football association paid a $10 million bribe to FIFA officials to host the 2010 World Cup. The claim emerged as part of a corruption scandal that engulfed FIFA. South Africarsquo;s Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene said he had seen no indication of financial wrong doing.   ldquo;We were very vigorous and then all the available information that we save before those instructions were intensely interrogated and I can attest that none of such evidence ever surfaced in those meetings.rdquo;   Britainrsquo;s Sports Minister John Whittingdale says therersquo;s a strong case for rerunning the bids to host the World Cup in 2018 and 2022 if therersquo;s evidence of corruption. FIFA awarded the tournaments to Russia and Qatar.   The Chinese authorities say they are planning to right the cruise ship that overturned in the Yangtze River on Monday. More than 450 people on board, but only 14 are known to have survived. From Jianli on the Yangtze River, John Sudworth reports.   ldquo;The divers have been battli


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