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2017年雅思阅读文章《汇丰银行缩减运营成本》   雅思的阅读理解出题内容广泛,唯一可以确定的就是会涉及一些重要的社会现实新闻。下面为大家送上一篇2017年雅思阅读文章,欢迎阅读。   One of the world#39;s biggest banks, HSBC, has announced the first details of a major cost-cutting exercise. It#39;s to sell its businesses in Brazil and Turkey, reduce its asset base and shrink its investment bank. Kamal Ahmed reports.   ldquo;Europe#39;s largest bank has announced that it wants to be significantly smaller. HSBC has revealed that its UK operations will be hit hard as it battles to find over 3.2 billion pounds of cost-savings. Stuart Gulliver, the bank#39;s chief executive, said that it was time to recognize the world had changed, and the growth in Asia had to be the new focus. The bank is selling businesses in Turkey and Brazil, and will look to reduce the value of its risky assets by 290 billion pounds. HSBC also said that it will make a decision on whether it will retain its headquarters in London by the end of the year.rdquo;   The Islamic State group has created a network of booby-traps, tunnels and barricades in Mosul to defend the Iraqi city against an offensive by government forces. A BBC investigation into life there one year after its capture by IS has found that the group now controls most aspects of life, from dress codes to schools, which residents say have been used to indoctrinate children. Mahmud spoke to the BBC.   ldquo;I came home one day and saw my little brother drawing their Islamic State#39;s flag and humming one of their chants. I went crazy, I took the drawing and tore it to pieces. We immediately removed him from school, as we#39;d rather he has no education at all than one such as IS is trying to spread. Irsquo;ve come to the conclusion that the goal of this organization is to plant the seed of violence, hate and sectarianism into children#39;s minds.rdquo;   The Hong Kong government has issued a red alert against travel to South Korea because of the outbreak of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome there. The warning advises agains



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