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一、如何上好第一节课? 注重仪表美,使学生感到你是位可亲的老师。 充分注重自己情感的发挥,在教学的每一个环节上都应包含“情”。注重业务水平的发挥一一使学生感到你是位可信老师.给学生留下一个好的第一印象,建立良好的师生情感。 培养学生对本课程学习的兴趣 利用“第一堂课”消除学生的自卑心理,树立自信心 “第一节课”提出明确的要求、增强学生学习的自觉性 除了正面引导、激发学生学习的主观能动性外。还应对学生提出一些要求。从客观上来促使学生认真学习。增强学生学习本课程的自觉性,如提出上课时必须认真听课、认真做笔记等要求。 Pay attention to the beauty of appearance, so that students feel you are a kind teacher. Fully pay attention to the exertion of their emotions, in every link of teaching should include emotion. Pay attention to the development of professional level to make students feel that you are a credible teacher. Make a good first impression on students, and establish good teacher-student emotions. Develop studentsinterest in this course Use the first lesson to eliminate studentsinferiority complex and build up self-confidence The first lesson puts forward clear requirements and enhances studentslearning consciousness In addition to positively guiding and stimulating studentssubjective initiative in learning. Some requirements should also be put forward for students. From an objective point of view, students are urged to study conscientiously. Enhance the studentsconsciousness of learning this course, such as the requirement that they must listen to the lesson carefully and take notes carefully in class. 四、如何开好家长会? 根据本班学生的具体情况,有计划地、系统地设计组织不同内容、不同形式的家长会,将对家庭教育工作起到推动作用。要精心筹划,细致安排,突出主题,形式多样,注重效果。架起学校和家庭教育的桥梁,为学生的发展及学校教育奠定良好的基础。 According to the specific situation of the students in this class, the systematic design and organization of parentsmeetings with different contents and forms will play a role in promoting family education. Careful planning, careful arrangement, prominent themes, diverse forms and results should be emphasized. Build a bridge between school and family education to lay a good foundation for studentsdevelopment and school education. 五、如何对待学困生? 真心关爱与耐心辅导。建立良好的师生关系。关爱学困生,对他们的辅导做到心中有数。为学生着想,改进教学方式和方法。张扬他们的自主性,进行适当评价与激励。与家长及时取得联系,请家长配合教师检查学生当天的学习内容。 Sincere care and patient counseling. Establish a good te


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