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老斗古井 九头山水库内水井 岩溶消水点 湿地土壤 山地土壤 (龙山山脚下) 筑堤养殖 农田浇灌 现实问题 退化的湿地 农田围垦 湿地破碎化 湿地污染 近期目标:在一定规模的湿地范围内,逐步恢复湿地的特征,完善湿地功能; 远期目标:建设综合的多动能湿地—— 一个南方岩溶湿地修复示范基地(湿地生态与农业示范基地); 一个漓江景区重要组成的湿地公园; 一个科学研究与教育基地。 ——优势:规模小易于实施,地理资源优越,人文条件良好;也是农村发展的机会。 3.会仙湿地修复的目标 ①探索湿地退化机制,区分人为干扰的直接作用和气候变化对湿地生态系统产生的影响; ②破碎化后湿地斑块的管理与恢复; ③湿地的物质循环和净污能力及其对气候变化的响应; ④湿地生物多样性及其功能; ⑤湿地退化诊断与评价; ⑥湿地的修复技术及其技术原理等。 4. 近期可考虑优先开展的工作 * The public’s interest in the renewal of natural ecosystems has grown steadily during the past few decades. While preservation of habitat is a key to environmental health, there is a growing awareness that restoration is essential to recover ecosystems that have been degraded or destroyed. Wetland habitats are the focus of many restoration efforts because, over the past 200 years, the area and health of wetlands has declined significantly. Less than 46 percent of the 215 million acres of wetlands estimated to exist in the contiguous U.S. when Europeans arrived remain. Prior to the mid- 1970s, the draining and destruction of wetlands were accepted practices. Many wetlands altered by humans were drained to support agricultural uses, while others were filled for urban development, diked for water impoundments or to diminish flooding, or dredged for marinas and ports. Indirect impacts from pollutants, urban runoff, and invasion by non-native species continue to degrade and destroy wetlands. * Over the past 200 years, more than 50 percent of the wetlands in the coterminous U.S. have been lost and many of the remaining wetlands are degraded. These losses and alterations compromise the important benefits provided by wetlands including protecting water quality, providing habitat for a wide variety of plants and animals, and reducing flood damage. While preserving remaining wetland resources is critical to our nation’s environmental health, restoring wetlands also is essential to ensuring the quality of aquatic systems. Because wetlands are so important to the earth’s ecosystems and human society, the


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