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我国汽车配件市场存在的问题及对策 摘要 据统计,汽车零部件是汽车产业链中最稳定的利润来源,可占据总利润的50%左右,相对于目前整车销售的利润缩水,中国的汽车利润率仍高达30%在汽车产业发达的国家,汽车零部件市场竞争已经进入到“后产品竞争”时代。而对于国内消费者来说,汽车尚属于高档消费品,购车虽为一次性过程,但其后续使用的保养、维修问题依旧与消费者的生活息息相关,厂商零部件供应的质量自然会成为消费者购车时所考虑的主要因素。同时,经销商们也越来越清楚,完善、周到、优质的售后服务质量是培养用户忠诚度的有效途径,也是稳定客户关系,扩大客户范围的好方法。可以预见,随着竞争的愈演愈烈,我国的汽车产业也将步入“后产品竞争”时代。 关键词:零部件市场,服务质量,零部件发展 Abstract According to statistics, auto parts in automobile industry chain is the most stable source of profit, can occupy a total profit of about 50%, relative to the current vehicle sales profits shrink, profit margins of China is still as high as 30% in the automobile industry in developed countries, automobile parts market has entered to competition after era. As for domestic consumers, car still belongs to the high-end consumer goods, although the purchase for a one-time process, but its subsequent maintenance, repair the problem continues and the lives of consumers, manufacturers parts and quality of supply will be when consumers purchase the major factors considered. At the same time, dealers are more and more clear, perfect, thoughtful, excellent after-sales service quality is the effective approach to cultivating customer loyalty, stable client relationships, good way to broaden the scope of customers. It can be predicted that with the growing competition, Chinas car industry will enter competition after era. Key words: parts of the market, quality of service, parts and components development 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 绪论 1 1论文总则 2 1.1课题来源 2 1.2论文背景 2 2汽车配件市场发展现状 4 2.1汽车配件的概念及作用 4 2.2国外汽车配件发展现状 6 2.3我国汽车配件市场的现状 7 3我国汽车配件市场存在的问题 9 3.1配件市场管理混乱 9 3.2配件质量良莠不齐 9 3.3配件价格混乱 10 3.4流通中间环节过多 11 3.5售后服务质量还有待提高 11 3.6从业人员的素质普遍较差 12 4提高汽车配件市场质量的对策 13 5.1提高服务人员整体素质 13 5.2加强市场管理 14 5.3严把产品的质量关 14 5.4规范市场价格 15 5.5参与国际化经营 15 5.6研究建立零部件分层次配套体系 16 5.7加强技术开发 17 5.8不断学习创新 17 6汽车配件市场的发展趋势 18 7结论 22 致谢 23 参考文献 24 绪论 在当今的汽车消费领域,对汽车消费者来说,他们在购买汽车的时候,不仅仅是看重汽车的质量,同时也十分重视汽车的售后服务工


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