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闭膜管 闭孔膜 闭孔静脉、动脉和神经 坐骨直肠窝前隐窝 骶结节韧带 骶棘韧带 尾骨肌 髂内动脉 髂总动脉 闭孔动脉 臀上动脉 臀下动脉 阴部内血管 阴部神经 Alcock’s 管 骨盆的肌肉、筋膜和筋膜间隙 肌肉 髋肌 闭孔内肌 梨状肌 盆底肌 肛提肌 肛提肌 髂尾肌 耻尾肌 耻骨直肠肌 骨盆肌: 上面观 闭孔内肌 梨状肌 尾骨肌 骨盆肌: 上面观 肛提肌 闭孔内肌 坐骨结节 骶结节韧带 耻尾肌 髂尾肌 尾骨肌 耻尾肌 髂尾肌 尾骨肌 肛提肌腱弓 梨状肌 骨盆侧壁肌肉层次 盆腔内脏和腹膜 盆腔内脏 前方:膀胱、尿道 中部:卵巢、输卵管、子宫和阴道 后方:直肠 * This is an anterior view of the bony pelvis. Each hip bone consists of three parts: the ilium, ischium, and pubis. * This is an anterior view of the bony pelvis. The pubis is comprised of the superior pubic ramus, body of the pubis, and inferior pubic ramus. * This illustration is of the bony pelvis in the dorsal lithotomy position. Again, the pubis is comprised of the superior pubic ramus, body of the pubis, and inferior pubic ramus. * This is an anterior view of the bony pelvis. The ischium is comprised of the ischial ramus, ischial spine, and ischial tuberosity. * This illustration is of the bony pelvis in the dorsal lithotomy position. Again, the ischium is comprised of the ischial ramus, ischial spine, and ischial tuberosity. The junction between the inferior pubic ramus and the ischial ramus is the ischiopubic ramus. * Anterior toward the front, in front of Posterior toward the back, behind ? Medial toward the midline Lateral away from the midline ? Internal/deep toward the inside or on the inside External/superficial toward the outside or on the outside ? Proximal closer to the origin Distal further from the origin ? Superior above Inferior below * The obturator membrane has a small opening in the superior, anterior corner (or superior, lateral corner), which allows for the passage of the obturator vein, artery, and nerve. This small opening in the obturator membrane is the obturator canal. * The obturator vein, artery and nerve pass through the obturator canal. Often times a vein, artery, and nerve are collectively referred to as a VAN: the “V” stands for vein, the “A” stands for artery, and


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