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摘 要 比较优势理论自产生之日起,就一直受到学术界的普遍关注,将其视为国际贸易理论的基础。但这一理论的应用却并非一帆风顺。对于中国这样一个比较优势相当明显的发展中国家,如何充分利用好我国对外贸易的比较优势成为国内学者的研究重点。 本文首先分析了比较优势理论的内涵和发展,重点讲述了当代影响比较优势的几个要素。并根据比较优势的内涵的发展,将这一理论分为比较成本理论、要素禀赋理论、当代比较优势理论三个阶段。其次论述了当代中国对外贸易的现状。最后论述了比较优势理论对中国对外贸易的借鉴意义。以中国三类出口商品的显性比较优势变化趋势图为依据,分析了我国对外贸易中比较优势的变化,并对如何借鉴比较优势,提高我国的比较优势素质做出了一定的建议。 重视发展我国对外贸易的比较优势,能够加快我国外贸体制改革的进程和企业跨国经营战略的实施,最终推动中国对外贸易的发展。关键词: 对外贸易;比较优势;策略建议 Abstract Theory of comparative advantage gets the universal solicitude of academic circle fromits producing day,and it is regarded as the foundation of international trading theory. But theapplication of this theory is not plain sailing. For China such a developing country thatcomparative advantage is fairly obvious how to make good use of the comparativeadvantages became the focus of academic research. The first part analyzes the connotation and the development of the theory of comparativeadvantage and particularly narrates some essential factors which influence presentcomparative advantage. In accordance with comparative advantage of the connotation ofdevelopment this theory may be divided into 3 stages: the theory of comparative coststheory of factor endowments and the contemporary theory of comparative advantage. Thesecond part discusses on the contemporary Chinese foreign trade in the applicability of thestatus applicability. Finally discusses the reference of theory of comparative advantage ofChinas foreign trade. Based on Chinas exports to the three dominant trend map changes incomparative advantage we analyzed the comparative advantage of Chinas foreign trade inthe changes and how to use the comparative advantages to make some recommendations inorder to enhance the quality of Chinas comparative advantages. China attaches importance to developing foreign trade and comparative advantages tospeed up the process of reform of Chinas foreign trade enterprises and transnational businessstrategy of eventually promote the development of Chinas foreign trade.Key words: Foreign tr


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