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摘 要
As an extended technology of optical holography, microwave holography can obtain
target microwave images effectively, making it an important part of holographic display
technologies. At present, the microwave holographic technology has been widely used in
radar imaging, holographic antenna, security door and medium nondestructive testing, etc.,
and it is becoming popular. With the development of science and technology, the existing
microwave holography cannot satisfy peoples needs. Therefore, the introduction of new
imaging algorithm becomes the primary issue to be considered in the development of
microwave holography.
This paper focuses on the key technologies of short-range microwave holographic
imaging, and investigates the implement scheme of short-range microwave holographic
imaging by combining electromagnetic scattering theory and electromagnetic simulation
software. On this basis, this paper studies the imaging resolution, imaging quality and the
main influence factors in the practical application of two-dimensional short-range
microwave holographic imaging technologies, respectively. Meanwhile, this paper studies
the three-dimensional short-range microwave holographic imaging method. This paper also
studies the rejection aliasing method caused by irregular scanning, etc., to improve the
imaging qua