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扬子三小六年级英语与智力竞赛试卷 班级( )姓名( )成绩( ) 1. Look at the picture! A=0,B=9,C=6,D= SHAPE 2. Grandpa:You give me three empty(空的)bottles(瓶子),and Ill give you a bottle of orange(桔汁). Dad :Give you twenty bottles of orange,Tom. Tom :I drink(喝)all these bottles of orange,and give the bottles to Grandpa.Then he gives me some bottles of orange.How many bottles of orange do I drink in all(一共)? ???? ________________ 3.Which one of them will fill the gap(缺口)?________________ 4. The word SEASON is written in code (代码) as 135146. Whats the code of word NOSE? 5. Look at the picture! Each of the brothers has a sister. Altogether, how many kids are there in the family? 6. Each cube is a view of the same cube (每个方块为同一个方块的五个不同角度的图示). What are the two missing numbers? a= 。b= 7.Which number should replace(代替)the question mark?    8. Look at the picture below.   Which one comes next in the above sequence(上面一组图形)?        A  B    C    D    E     F 9.In what order must you choose them?(按什么顺序拿开它们) ? 10. A triangle is partitioned(分割) into three triangles and a quadrilateral(四边形) by drawing two lines from vertices(顶点) to their opposite sides(对边). The areas(面积) of the three triangles are 3, 7 and 7, as shown. What is the area of the shaded quadrilateral(涂阴影的四边形)? 11、 In a magic square(幻方) the sum of the numbers in each row, in each diagonal and in each column are equal(每行、每列、每条对角线上三个数的和都相等).? In this magic square the value(数值) of x is: 12、If half of a number is 30, then three-quarters of that number is__ __。 13、The sum of the digits(数字) of the following product(乘积) is: 999999×555555 14、Jack was trying to tessellate regular pentagons(拼正五边形). He managed the following figure(组成下面的图形). The size of angle ‘a’is_ :_____.(角a有多少度) ? 15、If the area of the shaded region(阴影部分) of the regular hexagon(正六边形) in the diagram below(下图) is 36 cm2, the area of the whole hexago


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