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最高效,最专业,让学生掌握知识,培养能力 陈述句 一、陈述句的概念 陈述句是用于陈述事实和观点的句子。陈述句包括肯定结构和否定结构,句末用句号。如: This is a desk. (肯定结构) He can sing and dance. (肯定结构) He doesn’t have a computer. (否定结构) There aren’t any pictures. (否定结构) 二、肯定句变否定句的基本方法 1.be动词的否定式 be 动词根据不同的人称和时态有不同的形式,在一般现在时中是am , is , are可用作联系动词,构成否定式时,一律在其后面加否定词not. He is reading. --- He is not reading. They are from China. --- They are not from China. 2.情态动词的否定式 情态动词的否定式是在其后面直接加not. 如: I can swim. --- I can’t swim. He can dance. --- He can’t dance. Y ou should go to school at seven. --- Y ou shouldn’t go to school at seven. 3.实义动词的否定句 实义动词变否定句时,要借助助动词do , does,在一般现在时中用do或者does其句子结构为:主语+ don’t / doesn’t + 动词原形+其它 例如: I like pop music. --- I don’t like pop music. He likes running. --- He doesn’t like running. She does her homework at home. --- She doesn’t do her homework at home. 典型例题: 1.My sister ______ moon cakes with eggs in them. A. don’t like B. doesn’t like C. doesn’t likes D. doesn’t liking 2. He often does his homework at home. 变为否定句 _______________________________________________________________ 3 . He doesn’t goes to the zoo every Sunday.(改错题) ()_________ A B C D 4. Does Li Lei likes sports? (判断正误)( ) 开心练习: 姓名:李江平电话:152******** 最高效,最专业,让学生掌握知识,培养能力 一、将下列句子变为否定句,每空一词。 1.This is a desk. This ________ a desk. 2.Grandpa tells stories to us every evening. Grandpa ________ ________ stories to us every evening. 3.He can draw pictures. He _______ draw pictures. 4.He has a nice watch. He _______ _______ a nice watch. 5.They do a lot of homework at school. They ________ ________ a lot of homework at school. 6.Y ou must play football here. Y ou ________ play football here. 7.They are having an English class. They _________ _________ an English class. 8.Peter goes to the zoo once a year. Peter _________ _________ to the zoo once a year. 开心突破: 二、下面各句四处划线部分有一处是错误的,请指出并改正。 1.He doesn’t the homework every day. ( ) A B C D 2.He doesn’t have some rice for supper. ( ) A B C D 3. This coat a


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