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/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站 / 专业提供留学生各类 essay 定制写作服务 留学生Essay写作—向儿童营销的挑战 Creating outstanding products and programs to win marketplace is not an easy job.Specialists in marketing have to develop comprehensive research plans,carry out market researches,analyze the data collected and finally come up with marketing plans that target specific consumer segments. Finding out about human psychology,their preferences,choices and appeals are not only difficult but at times disappointingly inaccurate.Yet marketers today consider themselves experts in such endeavours,and are capable of achieving the almost impossible marketing objectives. As if these aspects of marketing are not difficult enough,in modern-day marketing field there is a niche in which the marketers have to deal with children.The most difficult task is perhaps the determination of the choices and preferences of these fickle individuals who are still developing,absorbing the environment and learning to become like their adult counterparts.The task of marketing to children is not only daunting but also critical for many businesses such as Nike,Microsoft,Johnson& Johnson,Disney,Pepsi,Sega,Kellogs and Mattel to name a few.These companies go through extensive research and consultancy to get to the untapped market of child consumers. One such example is evident in Dan S.Acuff and Robert H.Reiher’s(1998) Youth Market Systems.According to the authors the development of outstanding products and programs to win children’s marketplace is entirely different from the rest of the market segments.For this purpose they invent a marketing process called Youth Market Systems.The System ensures marketers consider all aspects of marketing to children or teens for any category of goods or services that companies want to sell.There Isa great need for a system of analysis and interpretation as the authors feel that information pertaining to cognitive,emotional and social needs of age groups could transform the programs or product features tha


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