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PAGE PAGE 8 Notice to New Students 1. If you don’t have a Chinese name, please try to find yourself a Chinese name and write it down on the Admission Notice. You will have to use your Chinese name in the university, so please remember your Chinese name. 2. Please fill in the Registration Form for Foreign Students at Fudan University according to the explanation and hand in the Form when you come to Fudan to register. 3. You should go to the local Chinese embassy to apply for a visa to enter China. For details, please read Visa and Residence Permit for New Foreign Students . 4. Chinese government will refuse the entry of people with certain diseases. For details, please read Physical Examination and Verification for New Foreign Students. 5. For tuition and housing fees, please read Guide for Payment of Tuition and Housing fees. 6. New students should register according to the dates on the admission notice. Documents needed for registration: A. Admission Notice B. Valid Passport C. Four passport-sized photos D. JW202 (Original Visa Application Form) E. Physical examination report for foreigners (for students who study for over six months) F. Registration Form for Foreign Students at Fudan 7. If you can not register on time, you should contact International Students Office beforehand and fax a letter to 8621 You can only ask for leave for no longer than two weeks. If you do not ask for leave and fail to register at Fudan, your study will be cancelled. 8. If you want to live in the Foreign Students Dormitory, you will need to book a room in our web site iso.fudan.edu.cn. Time for booking rooms will be published in our web site on July 1, 2009. For details, please read How to Book a Room Online. You can also send an email in the beginning of July 2009 to lei_wang@fudan.edu.cn to ask for the time to book rooms. 9. You can also rent an apartment or live in your relative or friend’s home, and you will need to go through certain proced


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