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Strategic Leadership Competency Model Dictionary DRAFT 战略性领导力素质模型字典 草案 February, 2005 Version 1 1 DRAFT Huawei Strategic Leadership Model Competencies Building Customer Capability Cluster 构建客户能力的素质群 3 Customer Focus关注客户 3 Partnering建立伙伴关系 8 Building Huawei Capability Cluster 构建华为能力素质群 11 Inspiring Leadership鼓舞式领导 11 Building Organizational Capability 塑造组织能力 17 Cross-functional Collaboration 跨部门合作 24 Building Individual Capability Cluster 构建个人能力素质群 30 Drive for Results 结果导向 30 Commitment to Huawei 献身华为 35 Strategy Thinking 战略思维 39 Understanding Others理解他人 43 Baseline Competencies 基本素质 47 Analytical Thinking 分析思考 47 Impact and Influence施加影响 51 Information Seeking信息搜集 58 Initiative 积极主动 62 2 Building Customer Capability Cluster 构建客户能力的素质群 Customer Focus 关注客户 Definition:定义 The passion to understand and serve the customer, meeting their needs in creative and innovative ways. “Customer ” refers to current, potential and internal customers. 致力于理解客户需求,并为客户提供创造性解决方案的行为特征。“客户”是指现在 的、潜在的、和内部客户。 Dimension:维度 Depth of the customer?s needs. Complexity of the action. 对客户理解的深度 采取行动的难度 Discussion:讨论 Customer Focus is at the heart of Huawei?s values and purpose, and it is strongest characteristic in the market. It should inform almost everything Huawei does. At the higher levels Customer Focus involves customer-driven innovation; at lower levels it is responsiveness to customer needs. 关注客户是华为价值和目的的中心,也是市场上最重要的特征。它应该反映华为所作 的几


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