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寨卡病毒病Zika Virus Disease1. Definition Zika Virus:Found in1947, RNA virus,Diameter 20nm. It is a arbovirus that spreads through mosquitoes. Its hosts are not undefined yet, wild quadrumana and mosquitoes live in trees are mainly suspected targets,for example African aedes mosquitoes.一、定义 寨卡病毒(又译兹卡病毒):1947年病毒被发现,为RNA病毒,直径20nm,是一种通过蚊虫进行传播的虫媒病毒,宿主不明确,主要在野生灵长类动物和栖息在树上的蚊子,如非洲伊蚊中循环。3、Epidemics Situation worldwide三、目前世界形势28th January,WHO Declared:America Happened Zika’s Explosive Transmission.1月28日,世卫组织:寨卡病毒在美洲“爆炸式”传播America estimated that probably 3 to 4 million people will be infected by Zika. There has been more than 30 thousand cases in Columbia ,which is one of the most serious countries that suffer from Zika virus. Columbia declared that about 5 thousand pregnant women were infected.Zika has spread in 40 countries and regions until 26th Feb.美洲预计该病毒可能在美洲感染300万至400万人。哥伦比亚感染寨卡病毒案例已超过 3 万例,是目前寨卡病毒疫情最严重的国家之一,政府称有5000名孕妇被病毒感染据公告称:截止2月26日,寨卡病毒已蔓延全球 40 个国家和地区。 Locally-acquired cases or virus isolation 发现病例或进行病毒隔离 Serosurvey data only 只血清学调查数据巴西卫生部长称,自10月以来已经在4180例疑似病例中确诊了270例小头畸形(microcephaly)——与寨卡病毒相关的神经疾病。2014年全年巴西仅报告约150病例。Brazil’s health ministry said it had confirmed 270 cases of microcephaly — the neurological condition linked to Zika — out of 4,180 suspected cases since October. Only about 150 cases were reported in Brazil in the whole of 2014.2月1日,世界卫生组织(WHO)宣布寨卡病毒为全球紧急公共卫生事件。这意味着,世卫组织将寨卡病毒与埃博拉(Ebola)置于同一类别,并且启动了一系列可以用来应对该威胁的筹资机制和政策措施。February 1st, Zika has been declared a global emergency by the World Health Organization, which almost means that the WHO has put Zika in the same category as Ebola and unlocked a range of funding mechanisms and policy measures that can be drawn on to tackle the threat.4、 Epidemics Situation in China四、国内流行形势9th Feb,in China, the first patient of Zika virus disease was found. The patient was infected by Zika when travelled in Venezuela and came back China. 14th Feb, the patient was cured and left hospital.8 cases were confirmed until 28th
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