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6.青岛海湾集团有限公司 青岛海湾集团前身是青岛市化工局,是市直国有大型化工 企业集团,位列中国化工 500 强。员工3200 人,旗下拥有海湾 化学、海湾精化、青岛碱业、海达控股、海湾索尔维、海湾港 务等二十余家控股和参股企业,主要产品包括烧碱、乙烯法聚 氯乙烯、苯乙烯、化工中间体及染料、硫酸钾、氯化钙、小苏 打、硅酸钠以及高端硅胶等。 近年来,聚焦新旧动能转换和产业转型升级,海湾集团全 力推进老城区企业环保搬迁,在西海岸新区董家口和平度新河 打造了两个现代化工产业基地,走在了青岛化工供给侧结构性 改革的前列。2018 年,集团销售收入首次突破百亿元,实现了 高质量的新发展。 展望未来,集团将在董家口基地依托港口物流优势,以进 口乙烯、丙烯、苯等为原料,重点发展苯乙烯、聚苯乙烯等石 化系列产品和高端新材料;在新河基地发挥园区区位优势,重 点发展染料、中间体、无机盐、无机硅化工等。相信不久的将 来,海湾集团将发展成为结构优化、布局合理、效益显著,在 国内外同行业具有较强竞争力和重大影响力的特大型企业集 团。 联系人:赵建国,联系电话:+86 0532 1 Qingdao Haiwan Group Co., Ltd. Qingdao Haiwan Group Co., Ltd., formerly known as Qingdao Chemical Industry Bureau, is a large-scale state-owned chemical enterprise group approved by Qingdao Municipal Government, ranking among the top 500 in chemical enterprises in China, with total assets of 3,200 employees. The group owns more than 20 holding and shareholding enterprises such as Haiwan Chemical Co., Ltd., Haiwan Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., Soda Ash Industrial Development Co., Ltd., Qingdao Haida Shareholding Co., Ltd., Hiwin Solvay Chemicals Co., Ltd., Haiwan Liquid Chemicals Port Affairs Co., Ltd., etc. Its main products include caustic soda, PVC by ethylene method, styrene, chemical intermediates and dyes, potassium sulfate, calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium silicate and high-end silica gel and so on. In recent years, focusing on replacing old growth drivers with new ones and industrial transformation and upgrading, the Group has made every effort to promote the relocation of enterprises from the old urban areas and built two modern chemical industrial bases in Dongjiakou of West Coast New Area and Xinhe, Pingdu, and has been in the forefront of the supply-side structural refo


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