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维护人员常用英语 维护人员常用英语 维护人员常用英语 维护人员常用英语 维护人员常用英语 故障报告 故障报告 故障报告 故障报告 故障报告 故障报告 * 1、询问航班达到时间 A:请告诉我HU7182 航班预计达到时间? Could you please tell me the ETA of flight HU7182 ? (ETA= Estimated Time of Arrival) B:当地时间 16:30 Sixteen thirty local time. B:航班因天气/机械故障原因延误了 The flight is delayed due to the weather / mechanical fault. 2、后面有飞机滑行,何时推飞机,请听口令 There is a aircraft on your way,please wait for departure. 3、地面有杂物,需要清除,何时推飞机,请听口令 Ground need cleaned,please wait for departure 4、飞机需要加液压油/滑油 The aircraft needs refilled with hydraulic fluid/oil. 5、请给1 号发动机加2 夸脱滑油,2 号发动机加3 夸脱滑油 Please replenish two quarters for engine No.1, three quarters for engine No.2 . 6、请给我们安排一辆加水车/放污车/空调车/除冰车/工作梯 Please arrange a water servicing unit / a toilet servicing unit / an air conditioning unit /a deicing unit / a ladder for us. 7、请打开发动机包皮检查渗漏/过热/导线/插头 Please open the engine cowling and check for leakage / overheat / wires / electrical connectors. 8、发动机吊架和整流罩无液压油渗漏和损伤 No damage and fluid leakage from engine pylon and cowling. 9、请检查刹车的磨损情况 Please check for brake assembly wear. 10、请叫一辆拖车来 Please call a tractor. 11、请挂上/摘下拖把 Please connect/disconnect the tow bar. 12、请示意拖车司机拖飞机 Please signal tractor driver to commence towing. 13、1 号发动机N1 开始转动 No.1 engine N1 begins to rotate. 14、地面,1 号发动机要进行冷转 Ground, No.1 engine need a cold start. 15、所有地面设备及人员已远离飞机 All ground equipment and personnel are clear of aircraft. 1、1 发推油门时反应慢 No.1 engine slow response to thrust lever increase. 2、2 发震动值高达4 个单位 No.2 engine vibration high, 4 units. 3、1 发遭鸟击,参数不正常,关车。 No.1 engine had bird strike. Engine parameters abnormal. Engine was shut down. 4、1 发滑油消耗量大 No.1 engine oil consumption high. 5、1 发空中停车,发动机滑油压力小于5psi No.1 engine was shutdown in flight. Engine oil pressure was less than 5 PSI. 6、2 发反推不工作,反推手柄内锁不能松开 No.2 engine failed to go into reverse. Reverse lever interlock failed to release. 7、2 发使用左点火系统启动失败,右点火系统正常 No.1 engine failed to start using


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