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英国经济第三季度环比增0.5% cs. 国家统计局(Office for National Statistics)的数据显示,英国经济今年第三季度环比扩大了0.5%。 The Treasury had predicted it would shrink 0.1 per cent. 而财政部此前曾预计将萎缩0.1%。 Philip Hammond, the UK chancellor, welcomed the news, saying: The fundamentals of the UK economy are strong, and today’s data show that the economy is resilient. 英国财政大臣菲利普.哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)对这一消息表示欢迎,称:英国经济的基本面强健,今天的数据显示了英国经济的适应能力。 The economy will need to adjust to a new relationship with the EU, but we are well-placed to deal with the challenges and take advantage of opportunities. 英国经济将需要适应与欧盟的新关系,但我们处于有利地位,能够应对挑战和利用机遇。 Joe Grice, chief economist of the ONS, said the figures gave the most comprehensive picture so far of the post-referendum UK economy?.?.?.?the economy has continued to expand at a rate broadly similar to that seen since 2015 and there is little evidence of a pronounced effect in the immediate aftermath of the [Brexit] vote. 国家统计局首席经济学家乔.格赖斯(Joe Grice)表示,这些数据反映了公投后英国经济迄今最全面的情况……经济继续扩张,其速率与2015年以来扩张速率大致相同,而且没有什么证据表明英国脱欧公投后很快产生深远影响。 欧盟-加拿大贸易协定绝处逢生 The EU’s trade deal with Canada was yesterday pulled back from the brink after Belgian regional leaders dropped their objections to the country’s government signing the pact in an eleventh-hour rescue. 欧盟与加拿大的贸易协议昨日从悬崖边缘被拉回,此前最后一刻的挽救努力奏效,比利时的地方领导人放弃反对该国政府签署协定。 The agreement came just hours after Justin Trudeau, Canada’s premier, cancelled a trip to sign the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement in Brussels. 在有关各方达成协议的几小时前,加拿大总理贾斯廷.特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)取消前往布鲁塞尔签署《综合经济与贸易协定》(CETA)的行程。 MPs in the French-speaking region of Wallonia, the Brussels region and the country’s tiny German-speaking region have been asked to confirm their approval of the Ceta treaty by midnight tonight. 讲法语的瓦隆大区(Wallonia)、布鲁塞尔地区以及该国微小的德语区的议员被要求在今晚午夜之前确认他们批准CETA条约。 Charles Michel, Belgium’s prime minister, said the regional parliaments would have “the last word” on a deal that would retain Belgium’s “credibility on the international stage”. 比利时首相夏尔.米歇尔(Charles Michel)表示,地区议会对于“


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