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Many people are fond of time travel, they often think of changing something in the past in order to influence the current situation. But do you believe it ? About time travel, there is a classic paradox that is called grandmother paradox. It assumes that if you really can go back to the past and kill your grandmother before she gave birth to your mother, how is that possible? Because if your grandmother can’t give birth to your mother ,which means you did not exist actually, but if you did not exit ,how can you kill your grandmother? Many scientists argue with this paradox for a long time, but when a new theory comes out, this problem has a reasonable explanation. That theory is parallel universes. The theory of parallel universe indicates that there are countless universes which are similar but not same as our universe existing. In every universe, maybe there is another you existing. Another you are slightly different with you in this universe. So we can use this theory to explain the grandmother paradox. If you really can travel in the space-time, you just go to another parallel universe, in that universe you killed your grandmother and another you did not exist anymore, but which will not influence your own universe, so in this universe you exist but in another you don’t. These countless universes are similar but not same, you can understand in this way. Most of us experience life as a linear(线性) progression but actually every day even every second life presents us with varies of choices. As a result, life should look more like a tree diagram. Every branch of the tree stands for a choice of life, and each choice creates a new reality. The deja vu is simply a momentary glimpse to the other universe. Almost everyone experiences that we feel we have been somewhere before because actually we have been there in another reality. This can explain why sometimes we think something or some places are familiar. About how to go to


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