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OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index A tool for benchmarking countries, measuring reform and assessing its impact FDI Index: What does it measure? Statutory restrictions: All discriminatory measures affecting foreign investors, covering both market access and national treatment:  Equity restrictions by sector or overall, for acquisitions or greenfield projects  Screening above a threshold or foreign equity share  Restrictions on key personnel: managers, directors, experts  Operational restrictions: land ownership, profit/capital repatriation, branching, reciprocity, discriminatory minimum capital requirements etc. What is not covered?  Degree of implementation/circumvention  State monopoly or participation in a sector  Special treatment accorded to a group of investors, whether by activity (e.g. exporting) or country of origin  Restrictions based purely on national security or prudential measures 22 sectors covered 1. Agriculture 13. Distribution - Retail 2. Forestry 14. Transport (surface, water, air) 3. Fishery 15. Hotels & restaurants 4. Mining & Quarrying (incl. oil extract.) 16. Media (broadcasting and other media) 5. Manufacturing - Food & Other 17. Communication (fixed & mobile 6. Manufacturing - Oil Ref. & Chemicals telecoms) 7. Manufacturing - Metals, Machinery 18. Financial services - Banking and Other Minerals 19. Financial services - Insurance 8. Manufacturing - Electric, Electronics 20. Financial services - Other financial and Other Instruments services 9. Manufacturing - Transport Equipment 21. Business Services (accounting, legal, 10. Electricity (generation, distri


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