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医疗论文英文摘要IV;第四讲 各类医学论文英文摘要的写作特点; ; 3)学位论文摘要:硕士论文摘要一般在400字左右,根据需要可以分为几个段落。内容一般包括研究背景、意义、主旨和目的;基本理论依据;基本假设;研究方法;研究结果;主要创新点;简短讨论。 4)脱离原文而独立发表的摘要, 文摘:这种摘要更应该具有独立性、自含性、完整性。读者无须阅读原文,便可以了解原文的主要内容。;第二节 学术期刊论文英文摘要的写作特点 这种摘要随同全文一切发表,简短精练是其特点。只需简明扼要地将研究目的、方法、结果和结论分别用1-3句话加以概括即可。至于研究背景或宗旨应在论文的Introduction (前言)部分教详细介绍,不必在摘要里介绍。 Sample 1 ;Objective: 1)To study the usage of viral load and CD cell count methods in evaluating the effects of clinical treatment in HIV infected people. Method: Totally2) 73 cases of HIV infected persons were studied with clinical Observation and laboratory examinations,3) six cases were treated with cocktail therapy,4) 36 cases with Chinese herbs and the other 31 cases were untreated. Results:5) The results indicated that the viral load levels in cocktail therapy group were significantly lower than those of the other two groups within 3 months and then kept at very low levels. 6)The CD T lymphocyte levels showed a significant increase after 3 months and kept rising.;4; To study the usage of …. (表示研究目的或内容) HIV infected persons were studied with clinical observation… (表示研究对象或方法) The results indicated that…(表示调查数据与结果) The authors conclude that… (表示调查结论) ;第三节 学术会议论文英文摘要的写作特点 学术会议论文摘要写得好坏,直接关系到论文能否被录 用。摘要起到说服会议论文评审委员会的作用,因此,摘要 应该首先简要说明研究背景、内容、范围、价值与意义。 在研究方法上也可以多花一点笔墨。会议论文摘要一般在 200-250词。;Hepatitis C virus: Clades(分化枝)and Properties HOWARD?Colin R. Department of Pathology and Infectious Diseases, Royal Veterinary College, University of London 1. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a member of the virus family Flaviviridae. 2. At present HCV is classified into a discrete hepacivirus genus and is represented by six clades according to genome sequencing. 3.Each Glade is further divisible into subtypes, which may prove important for the study of clinical differences and epidemiological studies. 4.Limited homology also exists with hepatitis G/GB viruses, despite the fact that the hepatotropic(亲肝的) nature


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