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第 43 卷 第 4 期 天 津 大 学 学 报 Vol.43 No.4 2010 年 4 月 Journal of Tianjin University Apr. 2010 ▋ 平面铰链五杆机构的优化综合平衡 周世才,杨玉虎,沈 煜,沈兆光 (天津大学机械工程学院,天津 300072) 摘 要 :考虑到摆动力和摆动力矩完全平衡将会使机构结构更复杂、惯性大幅增加,故在建立机座三自由度受迫振动 模型的基础上,分别以其平均动能、平均势能以及平均动能和平均势能之和为目标函数,建立平面铰链五杆机构的优化 平衡一般模型,采用凸规划方法对优化模型进行求解计算.以平均动能目标函数为例,计算优化综合平衡后机构的摆 动力和摆动力矩及机座的振动响应.结果表明,优化综合平衡后机构的摆动力和摆动力矩以及机座的振动响应均明显 降低.因此该方法可有效优化综合平衡平面铰链五杆机构. 关键词 :五杆机构;优化平衡;凸规划 中图分类号:TH112.1 ;TH113.2 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :0493-2137 (2010)04-0303-06 Optimum Balancing of the Planar Hinge Five-Bar Linkages ZHOU Shi-cai ,YANG Yu-hu ,SHEN Yu ,SHEN Zhao-guang (School of Mechanical Engineering ,Tianjin University ,Tianjin 300072 ,China) Abstract :Since the complete shaking force and shaking moment balancing would make the mechanisms more com- plex and would greatly increase inertia ,the optimum balancing model of the planar hinge five-bar linkages was pre- sented on the basis of the three-degree forced vibration model of the frame ,with the object functions of average ki- netic energy ,the average potential energy and the sum of the average kinetic and potential energy. The optimum bal- ancing model was numerically calculated by the method of the convex optimization. Taking the object function of av- erage kinetic energy as an example ,the shaking force ,shaking moment of the balanced linkages and the vibration response of the frame were calculated respectively. The results show that the shaking force ,shaking moment of the balanced linkages and the vibration respo


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